CNN International is an international news channel. CNN Digital is the #1 online news destination, with more unique visitors and videos. There are many kinds of publications on CNN, regarding the global pandemic. CNN has views/articles/videos and much more not only in the United States but the world entirely. I think their audience is a more adult audience who likes to be informed about what is going on around them and globally. Or people who like to be informed generally, this channel is also on TV, so it could go out to TV watchers or people who view the news. Also, I am aware that CNN has ads on Facebook, and usually, Facebook has an audience older than 21, so the audience would be not teens to be more specific.  The pieces on these websites seem to vary, usually, some articles vary from 2 to 5 pages and the videos can range from 2 to 8 minutes. The tone of the articles and the videos are serious and very informative. The diction would be formal and academic, all articles are informing the audience.