A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 3 Proposal

My plan for Unit 3 will be able to teach my audience whether or not “Is there a possibility of maintaining World Peace across the globe?” And explain and demonstrate why this question is important, and hopefully make sure my audience leaves with questions, curiosity, and to understand of how this question can have an impact on each of our life. As for who’s is my audience? My audience is seniors in high school and freshmen in college. Concerning what my genre is, how I am going to write it, and why I chose it. Let me tell me. My genre is going to be a movie, but a short film to get my point across to my audience. In addition, to keep them engage long enough to explain what my topic is. How I am going to write it? It would be interacting with the film. To visually explain my topic, and for my audience to see whether or not my question is answerable. Because in this topic there is no right or wrong answer. My goal is to explain my topic and to make sure they leave with a lot of curiosity. As for why I chose it? Is to make sure my audience doesn’t fall asleep during my representation, get bored, and to make sure my audience doesn’t lose attention to what I have to say. I plan to start it by looking for a film/movie that can appeal to my audience and to my research question. My only concern about this project is to make sure I picked a perfect film that can relate to my research project long enough to keep my audience engaged. And figuring out how to present the movie during the representation, and make sure there are no technical issues when presenting my project.

1 Comment

  1. bmuniz

    The serious question that my fellow colleague has raised is- “Is international peace achievable or possible?” The question is the need of the hour and it is something that all the countries and global leaders should work upon to bring stability and development without the loss of lives and resources.

    In my opinion, ‘WORLD PEACE’ holds much importance for all the people around the globe equally and efforts should be made to teach the young people its great importance. I really like the idea of the visual story telling through a movie. It is an interactive way and people won’t get bored too. Since war and destruction is nothing new and there are already many movies of this genre. But the challenge will be finding the right one which looks appealing as well as informative. I think apart from the movie, links of some good documentary should also be provided to the audience so that they can look at their own comfort. After the movie, an interactive discussion will also be good so the audience’s curious questions and views gets a voice.

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