The audience I try to aim for is mostly car owners or people who can’t decide which type of car to get, Age range around 16 and up mostly. The genre I want to do is a research article or a argumentative article, I want to find peoples personal experiences on how transferring from gas to electrical was better or worse. I plan to start off deciding on how can I use people personal experiences to persuade my audience and to find a writing style that would fit this type of article. Would like to show a lot of pictures and color to not make the article look too plain and simple and be more appealing to the eye. I do worry about writing about this because I hope I can fit peoples personal experiences and explain the personal experiences where my audience can understand it well, also I hope I be careful with my grammar, punctuation, and spelling because having a little error on a article shouldn’t be acceptable I don’t want to make the article look unprofessional I want people to take it seriously not just something they read and forget about it the next day, I aim that when people read it it would make them consider on relying on electrical cars.