During my time researching my topic question I have learned a great deal of information. I have learned that the technology that we think is going to be closer than we expect. Not the really futuristic ideas like flying cars but instead things that makes technology apart of us. Virtual reality is one of the ideas. The virtual reality of the future is going to be way different than the Virtual reality we have now. To give a better understanding the VR will include human senses into it so that people will feel more immersed in it. Imagine you decided to try your VR after a long day of work or school and want to relax. You could take a small trip to a virtual resort. You smell the beach waters and make you think your actually there and having no care in the world. I also learned about the downsides to having technology and how its causes more and more people to lose their jobs every day. When you have machines doing the jobs that humans do without having include risk as a factor then more companies will do this. It’s cheaper to use the machines because they can’t get hurt, don’t have to pay for health insurance and it can’t demand for more money. It will be sad to see more families struggling due to this type of situations. Before finding my research, I was asked, if I was to find research that contradicts my topic would I still write it and I said yes. I did find some research that contradicts me as well as sources that back my side up. To summarize sources that goes against what I say dreaming about the concepts on how it will work is different than putting it into action. When you think about how to solve any problem whether its technology or problem solving in general you think you find the easiest situation until it comes time to put it to the test. The same goes with trying to create the technology we want like teleportation and flying cars. Although we are not close to making that idea reality, we are close to making other things. I believe my generations and younger needs to learn this information because soon it will be our world. They need to know that technology will keep evolving the more we evolve as well but there are also side effects of what they could cause. Before they really create anything, they need to know the pros and cons.