Throughout out my research topic is astrology and religion compatible was a question I wonder if there was an answer and as I was looking through there were many sources that I have found that supported my question. Obvisously with a question I have can be specific and with this kind of question there will two sides to it one will be that is compatible and the other side is not compatible but I didn’t worry about that one because it wasn’t what I was researching for. During my research process I found several sources that answered my question, the first source is from an article called “Are They Compatible? Astrology and Religion” by Jennifer Freed and in this article they’re many informative points that were concluded on how the compatibility between astrology and religion is strong and how similar they are with another. Second source was from an YouTube video on “Are Astrology and Religion Compatible” from creator Debra Silverman Astrology, and in this video Debra shares her point of view on what she thinks is possible because  to her throughout this video it doesn’t matter whether or not if you agree or disagree with the statement on if astrology and religion are compatible because at the end of the day “stars are wisdom”, I really like when she said these three words because I have never thought about it like that and I like how she is opinionated with her saying on astrology because when watching some of her videos she really is informed on the astrology topic. Lastly my third source was from a book named “Astrology and cosmology in the worlds religions” by Campion Nicholas and out of my three sources this is my favorite because when reading some of the chapters from this book was really interesting and I learned so many things from different religions on how they view astrology because in every religion their view on astrology is different and unique in their own way, and this talks about that dividing each of the chapter in different religions also when the book was talking about cosmology was also something new that I never knew too much about but this book really helped me know what it means. If I am being honest on my question there many things that surprised me and I learned more about especially when my last source was from a book which was really informative and also I learned more about cosmology and how is connected to astrology and religion which was surprising cause I never pictured that together but it was cool, also knowing the history of astrology and religion going way back was also something that made me curious on learning more about.What I learned was important because as someone who likes astrology I wanted to learn more about especially when its connected to religion because I find these two combine is something that many people don’t talk about or there split in between that its possible or not which I consider okay because people have different opinions on this topic which is understandable but to me this research was really important to me because I learned things that I never knew about. This topic is for people who love astrology and what to know if there is something that is similar to it or maybe can seen with each other also if you like religion and think that its suitable for astrology then this  topic is if for you because if you think about the aspect behind astrology and how its formed it comes from religion.