In my research I found out what the difference between an epilepsy and seizure Is. I was able to find out the common seizures and treatments based on patients who suffer with epilepsy and usually have seizures. An epilepsy Is a disorder In the brain that causes people to have seizures. Seizures mainly occur when neurons In the brain do not send out right signals. This causes people to behave differently and lose consciousness. Epilepsy Is more common In children with a learning disability. Usually, children are more likely to out grow the seizures If the child has developed normally and has no other neurological problems and the seizures are being controlled with prescribed medication. Children that have epilepsy are being treated differently than children that don’t have epilepsy. I feel that It would be important to know because some children who have epilepsy wont affect their ability to learn or achieve their goals academically but some might be In titled to extra time or support In class. It can cause children to lose some Important points during the time they are being taught. However, not all patients with epilepsy do surgeries unless there Is no other option in the book. Sometimes patients take time to decide on what direction they will take when It comes to this issue. The causes of an epilepsy may be diagnosed from a woman pregnant or If the patient has oxygen problems which may cause them to be with an epilepsy. Patients living with epilepsy could live seizure-free If they are being treated correctly.Exams that patients with epilepsy can be critical In determining syndrome or etiology. Patients who suffer with epilepsy Is not something that can passed on to someone else. I think that this topic Is Important for me to learn because this connects to my major and I wanted to learn about something that deals with what Im studying for. I want college readers to hear what I have to say about this topic because they may want to know about patients who suffer with a brain disorder. This topic might connect to their major as well If they choose to major in the medical field. My understanding of my question deepened me a lot because the research that I found for my question was something that I never knew about until now which is really amazing for me. In addition to this, I want to say that learning about patients who have epilepsy Is something Important for those who are in the medical field because you want be prepared and you would need to know what to do going forward. Therefore, you would need to know If the patient has an epilepsy because you need to know what medication or treatments they need to go through. Lastly, epilepsy can lead the patient to social and emotional issues.