From start, to finish as I was researching my topic, ā€œIs there a possibility to maintain World Peace across the globe?ā€ What Iā€™ve found in my research from all of my source entries, is that there is a small chance to maintain World Peace across the globe. In distinction to the first entry source, it states, ā€œSeveral opportunities to enhance our work with peacebuilders, activists, and other populations in bringing about sustainable change and to ensure we recognize and articulate with greater clarity their latent capacity may include the following: To learn how people make decisions and act on them, how they think about, influence, and relate to one another, and how they develop beliefs and attitudes. We are working with young people to applyĀ behavioral insightsĀ to address violent extremism in countries such as Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.ā€ This shows how there is a small chance to grow a possibility to exist world peace. How in other countries are working on Inpermenting to create a small chance to exist peacefully in their countries. As a result, one country can successfully succeed in achieving peace.

Then there is hope for this planet after all. Each entry source provided key important information on whether or not it could happen. But so far in my research, it all came to the same conclusion. And that is ladies and gentlemen was, it all starts with us. In order for us to one day live in a peaceful world is to be able to admit that we are the cause of the problem. Once we do that, we are one step on the way to achieving it. We need to come together and be able to professionally and respectfully agree and disagree with each other. And come to a conclusion to further clearly understand how we can come to an agreement that both sides come out winning. What surprised me in my research was how there are organizations and governments officials are working day and night to come to an agreement with world peace. But at the same time, my research also shows how it would happen down a long, long road.

This topic to and it should be for anyone who is 18 years older and up, need’s to find this very important and interesting at the same time. I encourage you young adults to please donā€™t take this as a joke. Because as we talking about right now, there are other countries that are struggling to have peace. For example, Russia and Ukraine are currently at war with each other. All because of what, Putin finds Ukraine as a major threat and doesn’t feel safe. Or because Putin doesn’t want Ukraine to join the Western Defensive Alliance “NATO.” Or because Russia wants Ukraine’s natural resources? There are so many questions and not many being answered on why Russia really went to war with Ukraine, and when the war is going to end. So please, take this topic very seriously and this is not a joking matter. I am hoping to reach my research about my topic to anyone who is in 11 and 12 grade and in college and up. To conclude, my research was very intriguing, with a few questions answered and a few unanswered questions. To specify, peace in a country is possible while, “World Peace,” is still being determined based on human actions and choices. Since we are the cause of the problem and also the solution to it as well. We just need to figure out how we can make those problems and solutions coexist with each other in order to get a step closer or on the path of World Peace.