Epilepsy Is more common In children with a learning disability. Usually, children are more likely to out grow the seizures If the child has developed normally and has no other neurological problems and the seizures are being controlled with prescribed medication. Children that have epilepsy are being treated differently than children that don’t have epilepsy. In this research, I expect to find out about the symptoms of having a seizure and the way a seizure works. I expect to find out about this In my research because It ties up with my topic and the key points that still leave me with questions which are why do babies get Infantile spasms and what the main cause of an epilepsy might be. If I happen to find other than I expected in the research that still ties up to my topic. I think that an epilepsy would consider someone with a certain disease In the brain. I feel that It would be Important to know because some children who have epilepsy wont affect their ability to learn or achieve their goals academically but some might be In titled to extra time or support In class. It can cause children to lose some important points during the time they are being taught. I know that the electrical activity occurs between neurons or the brain cells In an Infants brain. It can happen for several reasons. Epilepsy Is considered the most common disorder that Is seen in children. Exams that patients with epilepsy can be critical In determining syndrome or etiology. Patients who suffer with epilepsy Is not something that can passed on to someone else. According to “World Health Organization” It states that “Epilepsy Is not contagious. The causes of epilepsy are divided into the following categories: structural, genetic, Infectious, metabolic, Immune and unknown.” The causes of an epilepsy may be diagnosed from a woman pregnant or If the patient has oxygen problems which may cause them to be with an epilepsy. Patients living with epilepsy could live seizure-free If they are being treated correctly. It states that “It Is estimated that up to 70% of people living with epilepsy could live seizure-free If properly diagnosed and treated.” A variety of people who have epilepsy suffer from other issues as well. In addition to that It mentions” In many parts of the world, people with epilepsy and their families suffer from stigma and discrimination”. Therefore, patients with epilepsy are being treated either with medication or by surgery depending on the situation.
