How are electric cars better for the environment?  It has lower fuel costs, the EVs are also a greener alternative to gas and disesel cars. By removing the exhaust, they can reduce a bunch of greenhouse gas emissions is helps businesses stay sustainable and withgovernment guidelines. EVs car battery use one or more electic motors by an rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, its the same kind of battery that are used on Smartphones. Lithium-ion batteries often work more effciently and have a life span of 8-10 years. Electric vechice dont need a tailpipe and it helps the environment without it based on the article “5 ways that Evs are better for the environment” its describes “Full electric vehicles do not need a tailpipe, as they dont produce exhaust. traditional engines combust gasoline or diesel, creating energy at thecost of producing harmful carbon emissions”. it shows and proves that the tailpipe releases harmful fuels into the earth but electric cars dont because they dont need to release harmful gases to be able to drive . Although EVs don’t contribute much to air pollution while driving, manufacturing EV batteries can be harmful if done irresponsibly. Nearly all EV emissions are well-to-wheel emissions created during the battery production process. As EVs is still a new technology, industry standards are inconsistent with the energy sources used for making batteries, resulting in larger carbon footprints. But, this is already beginning to change. In fact, EV automaker Tesla plans to manufacture its batteries using 100% renewable energy. Though electrical cars are still a relatively new technology, EVs will only continue to grow more advanced and reliable . EV batteries have a carbon footprint that is 2 to 3 times lower than 2 years ago , and growing cleaner still. Manufacturers of EVs are setting  guidelines for their battery suppliers. For example, they require suppliers to only use renewable energy sources during production, such as solar and wind. Apart from the limited use of coal-fueled charging stations, EVs do not contribute to air pollution after they are manufactured. Most emissions are produced during the battery manufacturing process. That means total emissions of an EV can be measured before it even starts up for the first time.  As the air pollution caused by driving ICE vehicles becomes a more pressing concern, EVs offer both consumers and businesses an intelligent alternative for a cleaner future and safer future. Eletrical cars do have its down sides of it but there no such thing as the perfect car there are going to be disadventages but as long as it isnt very harmful then the adventages should make up for it