“Yet many writers make a host of mistakes when it comes to quoting, not the least of which is the failure to quote enough in the first place, if at all. Some writers quote too little perhaps because they don’t want to bother going back to the original text and looking up the author’s exact words, or because they think they can reconstruct the author’s ideas from memory.” I like this quote because we usually think that these authors are perfect and do everything right, but they are just like us making mistakes when reading or writing.


“Be careful not to select quotations just for the sake of demonstrating that you’ve read the author’s work; you need to make sure they support your own argument.” I like this quote because during high school we had to annotate but I did it to demonstrate that I’ve read the authors work but now I annotate to make sure it supports whatever I’m doing. Annotating is important I’m glad I know that now.


“Finding relevant quotations is only part of your job; you also need to present them in a way that makes their relevance and meaning clear to your readers. Since quotations do not speak for themselves, you need to build a frame around them in which you do that speaking for them.” This quote helps me whenever I do quotations in school. When I quote something, I want it to turn out perfect