
  • “My purposes are to expand your definition of genre (or to introduce you to a definition for the first time) and to help you start thinking about how genres might apply to your own writing endeavors” (PG 250). What the paragraph talks about is how Dirk wants us to expand our knowledge on genres because he knows that we know the basic but wants to more about genre because there is so much that we don’t know about the purpose of genre.
  • “I further acknowledged that it is quite rare that teachers of writing get to write so directly to students in such an informal manner. Al-though textbooks are directed at students, they are often more formal affairs meant to serve a different purpose than this essay” (PG 251).  I agree what Dirk was trying to say in this because paragraph its completely true that our teachers for the most part when it comes to writing we never write in a informal way we always try to write in formal form because its more respectful and sounds more cohesive.
  • “In other words, knowing what a genre is used for can help people to accomplish goals, whether that goal be getting a job by knowing how to write a stellar resume, winning a person’s heart by writing a roman- tic love letter, or getting into college by writing an effective personal statement” (PG 253). When I was reading this paragraph I never thought genre could also apply too helping people achieve their goal or like winning someone’s heart etc, because simply I thought there were many types of genre and you just pick what you like and write about but in this paragraph it talks about how genre has purpose in the world and the importance that it holds.

There are many genres that I am familiar with, and they are non-fiction, fiction, drama, horror, comedy, fairytale and fantasy. If we were to go to something specific types of genres that I know it will be horror, epic poetry, comedy, nonfiction and fiction, tragedy etc. I know there are many more genres than these but for the ones I listed I am quite familiar because I learned the different types of genres from my  middle school to my high school years of teachings because there were times in my English class were we had to discuss about the types of genres and we will write about them and discuss them in class as well as from watching many movies and shows that have these type of genres. My favorite genre is fantasy and drama because they are both intriguing to know especially when there are some good shows or movies that are included because then it’s really fun to watch and keeps me from getting bored and staying entertained. When it comes to the common features on genres there are many and some are split up into more either in smaller or larger categories. When it comes to the most common rhetorical genre it includes narratives, persuasive and descriptive and if we are going to mention the larger categories of genres which are television, radio and film. For Unit 2 I think some genres that will give me good information is articles, videos, books and movies. These in particular can help be great sources for my Unit 2 topic because they will provide me information for  me to write about source entries that I have to research about and the more lengthy they are the better because then I get to add more when I start to write about by topic, it’s also important to have many sources as some might come in handy also because having too much of resources isn’t too bad because you something backing you up when you are writing about your topic.