• “In other words, Bitzer is saying that when something new happens that requires a response, someone must create that first response. Then when that situation happens again, another person uses the first response as a basis for the second, and eventually everyone who encounters this situation is basing his/her response on the previous ones, resulting in the creation of a new genre.” (Page 252 , First Paragraph). I really like this quote because it explains how genre works and how it’s step by step breaking it down in simpler and easier to comprehend.
  • “In other words, knowing what a genre is used for can help people to accomplish goals, whether that goal be getting a job by knowing how to write a stellar resume, winning a person’s heart by writing a romantic love letter, or getting into college by writing an effective personal statement.” (Page 253, First Paragraph). This quote helps understand how genre can be used to help people accomplish their goals.
  • “In other words, Miller is saying that all genres matter because they shape our everyday lives. And by studying the genres that we find familiar, we can start to see how specific choices that writers make result in specific actions on the part of readers; it only follows that our own writing must too be purposefully written.” (Page 254, 3rd Paragraph). As a result to this quote that I picked it helps explains why studying genres can help see specific choices as well as the actions that the readers can see.