A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 Draft Introduction

Is Surrogacy an Exploitation of Women’s Rights? I am interested in this topic.  Today’s society is a society where men and women are equal. The law and the idea of equality between men and women are advocated by people. I think it is a progressive thing.  When I learned from the Internet that some people buy other people’s babies with money, I was surprised, because this behavior in my opinion is like the goods of women being traded on the spot, just like primitive society.  A child should be an important part of a person’s life, and trading commodities on the spot with his mother is not a violation of morality.  I expect to learn why surrogacy occurs and is considered legal in some states. Because I don’t think it’s a normal business move but an exploitative act. I expect to learn what groups of people choose to pay for their children through surrogacy, and whether their actions violate women’s rights.  I hope to learn what role women who become surrogates play in this process, tools or volunteers.  And whether they have been subjected to involuntary forced surrogacy in the process, causing their rights to be violated.  If I find information that goes completely against what I expected to find,  I will still continue to write my think.  I believe that the presence of different voices in the question can help subsequent readers to think independently about the question, rather than completely follow the author’s ideas.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole


    You may not research this topic. You did not meet the minimum of 400 words, and you did not fully answer all of the questions posed for this assignment.

    Please pick another topic. It must be a topic you are truly curious about. You should do the KW/L+ exercise that everyone else had to do to focus on a topic. I will email this exercise to you. Once you complete this exercise, post it on OpenLab under “Discussions/Unit 2” and title it “KW/L+”.

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