Denichaud, Phillippe, and John Parikhal. “Why Do People Behave the Way They Do.” Breakthrough Management, 

In this article the authors John Parikhal and Phillippe Denichaud talk about why people behave a certain way. They believe that people behave a certain way in order to get what they want. To support this point the authors give an example of why people tend to be late to meetings. In the article it states,” The consequences for ‘being late’ are not ‘punishing enough’ and there are no real rewards for being on time. This meant that there are consequences of being late therefore they do not mind being late, and since there are no consequences, they will most likely be late all the time. The authors are trying to point out that, the reason why people behave a certain way is because, the person believes that the reward for behaving how they want is better than not behaving that certain way or changing. So, in the example they used, being early will do no good for them, so they rather be late. Another example the authors used was when someone gets mad and why they get mad. In the article the authors state, “If getting mad works for them and they get what they want when they get mad, they’ll continue to get mad because it keeps giving them want what they want.” The authors used these points to come to the conclusion that people behave the way they do because it will get them what they want! 

After reading the article and all the points the authors made, I agree with their conclusion. They pointed out some notable examples of this. The first point they talked about really helped made it clear for me, how consequences and “rewards” play a role in how people behave. People think about the outcome before they do something, will it benefit them? One point however that really stood out to me was when the author stated that,” If you are on the receiving end of this behavior and that is OK with you, then their behavior will continue.” What the author means by this is that, if you are uncomfortable with someone’s behavior, then you should speak up about it and tell them how you feel. If you do not tell them how you feel, then they will continue to act the way they do because that is what they think is right. It Is important to raise “awareness.” Â