Video games are well known for their entertainment value mostly for children, but of course, there are adults who still play them. There are also some people that believe that video games cause people to commit violent acts in America, child or adult. I think that to truly understand why people might think so is to find out for yourself. So what better way to find out than to find sources that would claim the violent acts that link to said video games. I believe this article will be very important for my research.

Lyndee Fletcher/Movieguide, L. (2015, October 20). “14 Mass Murders Linked to Violent Video Games”. Retrieved from

I’m using this source because I want to see the other person’s perspective on the topic because you can’t fully make a point without understanding what the other person’s point of view on that subject is. As you can see, this article talks about 14 acts of violence that link to violent video games. One quote says, “Jared Lee Loughner, Tucson, who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others in Tucson in January 2011, was both mentally ill and a video gamer.” This quote shows that because this person who killed six people has been known to play video games, the claim that violent video games cause violence automatically links to them. As you can see the author calls the mass shooter a mentally ill man and a man who simply plays video games. You could see that they didn’t fully grasp the situation about this because the evidence is very limited. According to Wikipedia, it states that before the shooting Jared dropped out of college and was fired from his job at a Quiznos restaurant because he had a personality change. It was said that his girlfriend broke up with him and that was when he started to change. He started to abuse alcohol and use multiple drugs like Cocaine and more. Clearly, all this evidence shows that he was mentally ill. He wasn’t encouraged by video games, he was crazy and he did crazy things. I believe that if they look more into their research they would find out what really caused them to act out in the world. it can’t just be that they loved violent video games like Call of Duty or GTA and they wanted to replicate that into real life. I think it would have to be something in their personal life that would cause them to start harming others.