A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 Draft Introduction

How would life be without social media? I’m interested in this topic because I feel like now everything revolves around social media. It’s become a big part of everyone’s life, from kids to old people. People spend a lot of time on social media platforms when they could be doing something productive. However, for some people it can be beneficial so they can promote their business and get it out there. I personally don’t own any social media anymore because it would distract me and I found it kinda toxic so I decided not to have any, plus I forgot all my passwords to them. I definitely feel left out sometimes and I miss the memes but my friends still send them to me. During my research I want to know if somehow social media has made our friendships and relationships stronger or weaker. I expect to find whether social media caused many divorces or if it was the fact that it was normalized throughout the years. I expect to learn how social media affects people mentally. I know it does affect us somehow because social media puts up an image in our head that we believe is real but sometimes it’s not. However, maybe it depends on the person, if they let what they see in social media affect them or not. I expect to find that businesses wouldn’t have the same success as they do now if social media didn’t exist because I know many of them use it to advertise their products. I want to know if we would be able to survive without it and if so what would the differences be from how we’re living now? I think that somehow time would go slower if that makes sense, since there would be no social media then we would spend less time on our phones and more time living in the moment. I expect to learn some cool fun facts about this topic. If I find information that goes completely against what I had expected to find then I’ll probably get social media again hah. I would definitely still write about it to show how social media is not just toxic and that there’s a fun side to it, like funny videos and memes. I would still research it to educate myself and everyone on this topic. Maybe by doing this research it would change people’s perspectives about social media in a god or bad way. 

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    OK, Alejandra, you may proceed with your research.

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