A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 draft Introduction

The worldwide pandemic that hit NYC in 2019 was one of the scariest times for my family and me. When schools closed in march It almost felt like a wake-up call letting me know that I was living through a pandemic that would make history. All I remember is thinking of how back in school we learned about the Black Death,  killing millions of Europeans during the middle ages. When masks started coming into the picture, I remember wearing the most protective mask when going out to buy groceries. The panic in people was very evident, my family started stocking up our food pantry. I was starting to see myself as one of the plague doctors, who wore a mask with a bird-like beak to protect them from being infected by the Black Death. Flashback to when my sisters would choose me to stand on the longest Trader Joe’s line to hold our spot. I began to wonder how other families were holding up, did they have jobs, how could other families afford rent if they needed someone to take care of their children and they couldn’t leave them alone at home. There were also many obstacles some families had to face going through many situations. Then I started to think of those from the upper class, were they worried? Did they also have panic for toilet paper? Or were they all just going about their same lives?. I wondered how could this be possible, the difference of social classes in New York, yet how close we were. For example, I live in Marine Park, Brooklyn but 15 minutes away from me are the projects. A lot of people know that those areas are not the best for children or families, but it is affordable. I wondered how the government was going to react to all of this closing of businesses and how many employees that support their families off of those businesses going to survive. I expect to find the upper class knowing much more than the middle and lower class, known by the terms of vaccination status and much more. Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if I see more benefits from the upper class, but what I do know that is very surprising is that some people from the lower middle class got into investing and something very tech and innovative that they bumped up to the upper class. That is what I find so interesting, did families suffer? Did families have to decide whether they visit the hospital or go find work? I feel like this is valuable information, not only did this pandemic have a bad outcome because of so many deaths and restrictions. But it also tested all our communications as classes, how did each student from each social class do with online learning. I know when you were learning at home, you had to have your quiet place where you would focus and do school work, but I also do know kids didn’t have that space at home. What was very useful is that some internet services would provide wifi for your home if you were a student and didn’t have wifi access, or the department of education would loan devices. This undertakes with so many of my questions for the upper class, were they even affected at all?. Did the families worry about getting infected? Or how this would affect their children’s education? I do plan on challenging my assumptions, I feel like there is always going to be stuff and information traveling around this world that we don’t know about.



1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Samantha, your research question needs to be at the beginning of the introduction paragraph. The topic looks good, so you may proceed with your research.

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