A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 introduction

The topic I am researching is “How does social media effect society “ I am interested in this topic because this is something billions of people use and I’m more than sure people use it for different reasons which could be advertisement, Job hiring, Politics , businesses, & so on. There’s proven facts social media has ruined peoples lives, jobs, marriages, & families. Social media is a term used to describe the interaction between individuals or groups that share, exchange ideas or post images/videos over the internet. This plays a big factor towards the young ones in our community, Children are growing up too quick surrounded by devices and interactive sites such as instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok even YouTube which has made the social media a vital aspect of their life. Social network is transforming the behavior in which youthful people relate with their parents, friends, as well as how they make use of technology. The internet can be negative and influence people in numerous ways, in our online communities people suffer from a lot of cyber bullying, which means a type of harassment that is use through technology. Results of cyberbullying have seen victims falling into depression and, in more radical cases, has cost them their lives. Another thing is info travels so quick online , By the time a piece of false info reaches a number of big people you won’t even know, that’ll cause some very big issues. These online platforms are also dangerous to those whom share personal information on these platforms. Death rate went up extremely in New York due to all this animosity from social media or gang retaliation that social media causes. Social media can affect your spending habits, your social media accounts are likely tempting you to spend more money. 

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Brandon, your assignment is incomplete as you were supposed to submit a minimum of 400 words. The question mark is missing from your question! The topic looks good, so you may proceed with your research.

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