A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 Draft Introduction

The topic I am researching is “why do people believe that video games cause real-world violence?”. As someone who loves playing video games, it comes as a surprise that most adults use it as a mechanism of danger. In the United States, there have been multiple counts of mass shootings and murders around the country and most people are blaming it all on video games. Why? For some reason, it seems like an easy thing to blame. I’m interested in this topic because I would classify myself as a gamer. I play video games 24/7, especially violent video games, and I have never thought about hurting others because of what happens in my game. Yes, I can’t lie, I do get aggressive in my games but never thought to hurt anyone inside of my household or even outside of it. So I would like to find out why people believe it’s so easy for others to do harm in the real world. From research, it seems that there are a lot more positives from video games than negatives. You can make friends playing online games, you can make or join a community with the games you love. Specific violent video games are being banned from schools and countries, so clearly that must mean something is wrong but is this true? Do video games really cause violence? In reality, statistics have shown that video games rarely cause violence. There are multiple claims that show that video games cause any sort of violence because the authors give small details about what really happened to people who cause violent acts when they were known for even liking video games, but people would still believe it without looking at the facts. My main goal is for people to understand that there are way more things that could actually cause people to act out in this world and it can’t just be video games. What I expect to find is that there will be some articles or media from the news that says that violent video games are the cause of some violence in America and I will be putting this into my annotated bibliography. But I also expect to find a lot of evidence showing that It’s more than just violent video games that really bring people to the edge of harming others and trying to see why people assume that video games are the cause of that.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Donovan, you never specifically answer, “what will you do if you find information that goes completely against what you had expected to find?” That needs to show up in your introduction when you submit the RAB. Also, I’m glad you took out “old people” and replaced it with “adults.” The topic you chose is good, and you may proceed with your research.

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