A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 Draft Introduction

Why do people behave the way that they do, and how does it affect them? 

I am interested in this question because it is something that I always think about! I am a very observant person, so I tend to always look around and observe people and wonder different things. I see different people every day, I see people on the trains, people walking on the streets, and everyone acts differently. Some are so rude for no reason. Some are so obnoxious, embarrassing. Some are the nicest people ever. But I especially always think to myself why people are rude/mean, why do people bully others. Why do kids bully other kids, where does this behavior come from. What do they get out of being rude or being a bully. What makes them this way, and how does acting this way do to them, do to their mind? What makes people so nice and calm, what are they doing to find this happiness amongst themselves and how does it help them to become a better person? Does the way you act even play a role in self- esteem? In my research, I expect to find some answers on all my questions, on what makes people act these ways, is something from their past, something that happened during their day, or if they are just like that in general. But how does it all work out? Is there something more deeper to it. How come some people are super nice and some are super mean? Does It connect to your emotions? What makes them this way? If I find information that goes completely against what I expected to find, then I will still continue to write it and dig deeper. I believe there are a lot of answers and different opinions on this topic. I believe it is an important topic to research, because maybe if we find the root of the problem, we can become better nonjudgmental people. We can even help others.  

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    OK, Fahmida, you may proceed with your research. Your draft introduction is supposed to be at least 400 words, so, technically, your assignment is incomplete.

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