A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 draft introduction

My research question is, are electric cars better than gas cars? In my opinion I believe that electric cars are better than gas cars Because they cost less to maintain and it’s cheaper to recharge the car then to pay for gas and it saves the economy from global warming. I think Electric cars are the future of all the cars because at some point people have to stop using gas cars because it only makes global warming worse and worse and it’s not gonna get better if we keep on using gas or oil in general. But there are also disadvantages Of owning an electric car for example it’s harder to repair than a gas car because not many mechanics are experience with electric cars because electric cars were introduced not so long ago so not many mechanics have much experience with electrical cars so it will be more expensive to repair than a gas cars also another disadvantage is most likely in the future if people were more likely use electric cars than gas cars, most likely the charging prices for electric cars are going to dramatically rise. What I expect to find in my research is a lot of information that is going to have the answer I need .I expect to find more good things about electric cars then gas cars and also  why it should be the future of the cars. I will find negative things about electric cars that I probably don’t know of but I’m positive there are way more negative things about gas cars. If I find information that goes completely against what I had expected which is not likely but even though I will still write about it because even though I was wrong I learned from it, but in my opinion I do not think that what I am researching the information that I find will not go completely against me because I know saving the earth from global warming is important to most of the society. I already know that electric cars are more superior than gas cars if not better it may have his disadvantages but gas cars have more disadvantages. I want to research this topic because I’m very interested what would happen in the future like if the cars are going to be more advanced or if we’re gonna have self driving cars or how transportation is going to be like and etc.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    OK, George, you may proceed with your research.

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