A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 Draft Introduction

The question and topic that I am researching are Astrology and zodiac signs. And do they have an impact and affect your personality? I believe this is a pretty interesting topic to look into because I am always wondering whether or not these astrology signs tells us who we are and why is it so accurate based on some people’s trait. Do I believe in astrology and zodiac signs traits? I would say half and half because these are the types of things that are non-scientific approved by any professionals. I am a Pisces and that is a water sign, I think it portrays my personality pretty well. And I want to know how come people don’t get along with each other sometimes or even the first time when they met, is it because of their signs not compatible or do they just think differently and have a different mindset? and why do they think the way they think? or simply asking how does different zodiac signs’ brains process the way they do and make decisions based on what their brain is telling them to do. And let’s say Leo is a fire sign, does that mean everybody that’s Leo is all very outgoing?  Or some people follow more on their heart than their head and the other way around, is it because the traits of their zodiac sign made them work this way? In this research topic, I expect to find different traits of All twelve signs and how are they different from each other. How come some signs are not compatible with each other and which signs are compatible and get along with each other well.  And knowing the mind process of each signs and knowing How does different signs react or feel towards certain things. The reason why I expect to find answers to these questions is that it helps me understand different Astrology signs better and in other words, it helps me understand people partially better. Not because just knowing if our signs are compatible with each other or get along with each other well enough, but learning different types of personalities and the way different zodiac signs process the way they do. If I end up finding information that goes completely against what I expect to find Its totally fine with me because I Just want to learn more about astrology and zodiac signs and their personality traits.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Bairu, you need to revise your statement/question, “The question and topic that I am researching are Astrology and zodiac signs. And do they have an impact and affect your personality?” so that it is a one sentence question. You may proceed with your research.

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