A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 Draft Introduction


The question I want to find an answer to is what is the difference between epilepsy and seizure ?The topic I am most interested in is seizures that is caused in infants because it is important to know about children who deal with seizures. I feel that it would be important to know because some children who have epilepsy wont affect their ability to learn or achieve their goals academically but some might be in titled to extra time or support in class. It can cause children to lose some important points during the time they are being taught. I know that the electrical activity occurs between neurons or the brain cells in an infants brain. It can happen for several reasons. The seizures usually fragmentary because the babies brain is still in the process of developing and not capable of making the coordinated responses in a seizure. However, the brain infection would be the cause of a seizure if the baby was pre term. I want to figure out how babies get an epilepsy and what the treatment would be for that certain seizure the baby had. I want to know If the treatment provided to the infant would help prevent them from getting future seizures. I want to learn about several types of seizures in babies and the signs of seizures especially when it occurs to them while sleeping. Epilepsy is more common in children with a learning disability. Usually, children are more likely to out grow the seizures if the child has developed normally and has no other neurological problems and the seizures are being controlled with prescribed medication. Children that have epilepsy are being treated differently than children that don’t have epilepsy. In this research, I expect to find out about the symptoms of having a seizure and the way a seizure works. I expect to find out about this in my research because it ties up with my topic and the key points that still leave me with questions which are why do babies get infantile spasms and what the main cause of an epilepsy might be. If I happen to find other than I expected in the research that still ties up to my topic i will still write about It because It Is something that makes me want to learn about more and dig deeper in this topic. Although I still want to learn about the importance of seizures and different ways of how doctors go about treating their patients with epilepsy and neurological issues.


1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Bri, you need to present a research question at the beginning of your introduction. The topic looks good, so you may go ahead with your research.

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