A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 2 Draft Introduction

Is there a possibility to maintain World Peace across the global? This is the topic that I am most interested in because there is not a simple answer to the question. It ain’t an easy yes or no question, since it makes you think really hard rather or not there is an answer to this question. I can’t say if I had or not a personal experience with this topic, since for most people it’s a sensitive topic that not many people are taking somewhat seriously. What I can say is that personally, I am more of a pacifist type of guy. And I believe war doesn’t solve anything. If you look at our past history, the conflict has not solved anything. The only war that actually solve something was the American Civil War which helped abolished slavery. Pretty much in my opinion that was the only war that helped to end something very unforgivable. What I expect to find in my research is either an answer, maybe not something I would expect but mostly an answer rather or not World Peace is possible. Or something along the lines of “World Peace is possible if the world itself allows it to exist, but it starts with us.” I expect to find this since clearly society as a whole probably believes it could happen, while the other believes it’s less likely to happen since we humans are the cause of the problem. And that humans themselves probably can’t change. Furthermore, there is no clear answer on how to solve world peace or if it can coexist in our world. What I will do if the information that I find goes completely against what I would expect to find, is to not get my hopes up. To always expect the unexpected and to always have an open mind and opinion. And to be able to expect reality for what it is. And no I will not throw it away since I would expect to be either an answer, probably not what I expect but all I want is an answer. Not be just a matter of someone’s opinion but of an accurate answer or it could be just straight possible but mostly happened in the further future where we humans changed. And yes I would challenge my own assumptions since it’s better not to assume but expect an unexpected. So this is my final question to you, “Is there a possibility to maintain World Peace across the global?”

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    OK, John, your research question, “Can there be any form of Peace in this World across the globe? And if so, why is it so hard to maintain peace?”, is very intriguing except but it needs to be one question. Please revise it. You may proceed with your research.

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