Curiosity has always been a big aspect of my life. I have always been curious about social classes, ever since middle school, it has always been something I’ve been wanting to dig my head in deeper, to specify New York’s social classes. I can’t remember my curiosities in elementary school besides being a vet and a music producer. Perhaps I was one of those children in school who was taught to learn and pay attention to my elders. I am still very interested in the social classes of New York City, I feel like NYC is so mysterious and there is some underground stuff we don’t know about going on every day.  My go-to answers to my questions were google, I learned all about the lower class to upper class. There are many articles on the internet that give you many pov’s of any classes and an outsider views as well.  My curiosity in this topic keeps growing and growing, there are endless facts and opportunities even open doors that some classes receive while the other class has never heard of. It blows my mind how the upper class has an influence on the government, could we say protected by the government?. A good example would be paying taxes or such things as that. The educational role had a large play in my curiosity, I had sociology and psychology in high school which opened my mind to this topic more. We were taught about social roles, classes, and how our mind has to reach some sort of pinnacle. How we must reach one’s self full potential including creative ideas, is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.  There will still be so many unanswered questions when it comes to comparing classes and a pov of an outsider looking in into all the classes. I want to know and be aware of how to move up social classes, what goes on in the upper or even lower class. I want to see the difference between education to self-actualization.