When I was a kid I was interested in dancing as well as being a fashion designer. I wouldn’t say I am still interested in fashion designing because when I was a kid I used to love dressing up and just love being all stylish and used experiment with my style on what I look best in, I was really drawn into the fashion industry and most of my family and friends thought that I will become a fashion designer or something in the fashion industry but as I got older I lost interest in it. As for dancing I am still interested to this day because I have been dancing since I was little girl and to this day I still dance. Though I still like dancing I never thought about doing professionally this is just for fun, its just something that keeps me happy in life and I enjoy doing it. When I wanted to be a fashion designer I asked myself a lot of questions and when asking myself these questions it made me realize that a fashion designer has so many skills in order to be successful and made me think whether I had those skills but going on over the years I just don’t see myself being in this industry. I would say the educational system played in my curiosity because it didn’t really made think about as much but rather thinking about I just stop caring about because I knew being a designer is hard work and I would be able to do it. When I was interested in dancing I asked myself questions like whether or not will I be doing it professional or as I got older I will still be interested in maybe if nothing goes well I can pursue this as like my backup career plan. Over the years my thoughts on dancing stayed pretty much the same I still enjoyed dancing since there is so much types of dances to learn its really fun to learn. I would say the educational system made a good impact because my high school had dance class and from that I learned so much about the dance as well the history that came with that it was my favorite class to be in when I went to school. I think I lost my interest in fashion designing because as I got older I really didn’t much about my style and just put whatever I wanted and just really didn’t see myself pursuing this in my future. I remember I lost my interest when I entered high school and after that I stoped caring about. Instead I became interested in dance because it’s something that I never got bored of and it keeps me happy also there so many different types of dances forms that I can learn and never get tired of.