I feel like James Baldwin was trying to say that there is always oppression is society in most of history. For example he talks about it being so bad that the kids at the time quickly realize on what they are allowed and not allowed to do in the public or around white people. That they should never question why they can’t do what they want and  or there opinion to others. That they should be so sared that they should never get off the path they are on or told to be in because of the color of there skin. When James Baldwin said “the world is larger” i feel like he is trying to say that the world is and always  changing many in good and bad ways that will affect them. An example i could think of is when he stated his experience in england then living in america, a different way of ideas and living. I think that there should teach more into oppression during the afican american movement. I think this topic should go into bigger detail because in the current time schools teach only about the protests and the targeting during the afican american movement and show little about how the goverment chose not to do anthing  or ignore on what is going on in between the groups of its people.  One example i found is when he stated “if he sits down in the front of the bus, his father or mother slaps him and drags him to the back of the bus. He is aware that there is some terrible weight on his parents shoulder which menaces him”.  This is only one of the statements told by James Baldwin on even the young are expected to be told by there parents and the consequences that could end up killing them and/or there parents.