I remember my first day of school my heart was as sad as a black stone under the blue sea. I can hear students talking to each other and the teacher talking as well. The teacher provided us classwork which involved History. I was never good at public speaking and which led me to do the classwork for homework. The teacher asked all of us if we had any questions or concerns. I decided to be as silent as a sleeping viper. When the bell rang for lunch, there was a jolt of excitement in the classroom. My mouth was a dry as a bone. I was shy to ask to leave the class to drink water from the fountain.Months on, as the teacher began to have conferences with students she decided to pick on me first. I was so nervous that my heart was racing. When I walked up to her desk I didn’t have anything to say back to her when she had questions for me. I saw ones going down her grading book as tears were scrolling down my face. Little did I know, my procrastination kicked in because I had a bad habit of leaving assignments for last minute or even not attempting them. From then on, I learned my learned my lesson on procrastination and began to do my assignments earlier than they are usually due.Towards, the end of the year I knew right off the bat I was going to have bad consequences. There are pros and cons about being held back in a grade. In other words, I was the type of student was absent often and that told me that issue increases the risk of me getting held back as I did. Therefore, I was struggling on reaching the performance levels that were expected in order for me to be promoted into the next grade. I felt like was not ready to move on to the next grade. At the end of the day, It took me awhile to understand how important school is and how I shouldn’t take education as a joke. I have so many regrets from elementary school days because the amount of effort I put in for my work now should’ve been put for those days too. The major I am going for is dealing with public speaking and I am trying to work on public speaking because when interviews start kicking in I have to be ready to answer questions when they ask. However, I need to start working on group work things as well because I was always the type of student to work solo. With everything mentioned, a question might be left behind by many asking what is meant by standard written english. Standard written english is defined as being utilized in written media which includes books and newspapers. An example of standard written can be when we talk or write to someone its because we need respect to be shown. Standard written english deals with grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. I always had issues with coping with my emotions which had me struggle during the time being in the retention situation. Some students may suffer with coping skills and it takes them awhile to cope with their emotions and behavior. Students have several ways they understand the material that teachers provide to their students. In other words, the teachers that provide work will have different ways that their students will complete their assignments. Technically, When it comes to me I have different ways of doing my work when has to do with math If I don’t understand the way the professor is teaching the material. However, when I got held back I learned that a tutor was the best path to take. I never had confidence or thought of positivity in school work because I never really cared about showing effort in school.  It takes a lot for a student to stay confident and positive when it comes to education because some students may choose to dropout and not show little to no effort in their education. If I could go back to those days I wouldn’t procrastinate like I did and I would have showed more effort in the work instead of slacking. Therefore, I would’ve showed that I cared more about education and focused more. It took me awhile realize that the goals I set for myself is only If i try to put effort and show potential in the work I would be doing. The worst thing a student can do when it comes to education is slack on their work or procrastinate on piling up work for last minute until teachers wont accept the work to be graded. Students should set some goals for themselves and work towards the goals they want to achieve.