It’s a warm fall day in September. It was the second week of school when everyone got their schedules, and I am going over mine with my friend to see if we have some of the same classes, but it was only for two classes. One was math, and another was programming class. We both never had a problem with math, so we were fine with that, but programming was something we never did before. I thought it was going to be another class that I have to sit through and just do the work. I was sitting in class and listening to the teacher talk about what the class is going to be and the things we will do in this class. So far is going how the other classes went and I am not very interested right now. The next day in class he tells us to take out the computers so we can get to programming.

At first nobody knew what to do because he didn’t teach us anything yet. After nobody knew what to do so my teacher says play with it for 10 minutes and I do. I try to see what I can do. I start playing with it and made the program to make multiple squares repeatedly. My teacher notices this and tells us that time is up. I wanted to keep going but he said he wanted to show us something important. I didn’t know what to expect, my teacher opened up his computer and showed us what he was doing in the 10 minutes he gave us. He made a program that makes it look like stars twinkling in the galaxy and I was impressed with it because he was able to be creative with what little time he had. Two weeks had passed, and I was becoming more and more interested in in the programming class, but my grades didn’t show it. I wasn’t doing with the homeworks I was given because of laziness. So, after class I had my programming teacher wanted to speak with me.I was really nervous because I knew what he wanted to talk about, but I didn’t want to talk about it.Before we talked about my grades, he asked me what I wanted to do in life. At the time I didn’t know the answer to that question, so I said I don’t know. When he heard my response, he asked another question which what was is something you like to do. I told him I like to play games and that I liked programming. He said he was going to show me something on his laptop and when i went to see it was a soccer game he made. Then he said that he found something he wanted to do in life by doing something he enjoys doing. He also said you can’t have a goal without having some tough times, these are your tough time. Learn to be able to do everything you need to do first before you focus on one thing. To quote his word he said “Schools and teachers like me are here to make students who they need to become “after that he made time during his lunch to give me a study room quiet time so I can do the other classes work.