I Hope you get at least AB’s and up on all classes there is no excuses, don’t stress to much on your current job because that job that I assume you will still have isn’t your future it will take you no where that you are dreaming for it’s just a stepping stone toward your true passion.Don’t overthink to much just trust the process and yourself on having a successful future aim to be independent and don’t be afraid to ask for help to your friends and family because I know at some point your going to hit rock bottom that’s what you and everything one has to go through to learn to build your way up. Hitting rock bottom will be the ultimate test of will and courage and strength, there will be moments where you will burn out or want to give up but try to make it a short term process because digging yourself deeper isn’t a way out of the hole. There is still, along way to go, open up to people, Save your money even if you got nothing to save for because you don’t know if there will be a bump in the road where you need it the most.