Hey Owshi hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to let you know my goal for the end of the semester is to study really hard to pass all your classes and just keep on working hard even though its going to be hard I know you will get through it. I know this is just the beginning so all of this is still new to you but hopefully by the end of the semester you will get comfortable with your surroundings as well as your courses and your classmates. For the year just being healthy and not stressing yourself is what I hope for the year. Some pitfalls I know that I will be up against is speaking in class which I still can’t fix to this day but hopefully little by little I hope to fix it also I know I told myself not to stress to much but knowing what kind of person I am not to sure of myself but we will see how it goes. I hope that my writing skills can improve for the better because I know that my writing skills isn’t at top tier and I want to work on making it better not just for my goals or by the end of the semester but in general because I know that when it comes to writing it will help me in the future.