“If you can’t find the front door, use a window.” A piece of advice my high school teacher gave me that I hope end of semester Emely begins to live by.  For me, this quote describes the way life is untraditional and it’s irrational to believe that you can plan every second of your life or that there is ever only one right path. I hope that by the end of the semester, the pressure of having a figured out future is lifted off my shoulders. I also wish that the overbearing anxiety of public speaking has decreased and I can actually share with the class all of the literature oriented thoughts that are zooming through my head. Having parents who are solely focused on my career choices is my excuse for always feeling the need to hide myself in a classroom of students who probably have always had their ten year plan designed on their Pinterest boards.  So a piece of advice I hope June 2022 Emely takes is to find a window in a room full of doors because there is never one correct way out.

Just a little piano because I hope by June I can actually play in front of people without being paralyzed by embarrassment.