A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Olivarez Assignment

“We were empty bank accounts and it was our teachers’ responsibility to deposit facts.” From this quote I think students are the inheritors of the teacher’s thought, teacher needs to share their knowledge to the students.

“In class, I got in trouble for the first time. Some teachers complained that I talked too much. Other teachers reveled in my growth.”  Teachers are not perfect people, not all knowledge can be learned from them.

“My parents brought me to the local preschool facility where the preschool promptly rejected my application into the school.  The preschool did not have anyone on staff who speak Spanish well enough to help me attend classes.” There is a huge gap between different languages, which also means that there are problems in communication between people.  If there is a problem with comunication,it will be difficult to solve the trouble.

“Maybe I could write the stories I was craving to read. Maybe I could save myself by writing.”  José Olivarez mean he can share his story, his feeling and his thinking with others from writing.  It give he a huge interest.

“There are facts and there are stories. Every fact can be turned into any number of stories.” While there is only one true fact in the real world, there are many stories from different writer write.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Excellent annotations, Zihao.

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