Around 2:30 pm. I had to go to my history class to give my speech that counted as a project grade. But there were different ways to do this project. And as it turns out I was the only person in my grade to give a speech. Now that in mind, as everyone presented their projects, I was the very last one to go and present. I could hear the traffic outside of the window as I started to go to the front of the class by the smartboard. As I commenced walking I could feel the pressure all over my body, my legs were shaking, I started sweating and in the palms of my hands, I was nervous. Before class, around lunchtime, my bestie was gassing everyone about my speech. Now, as everyone heard I created a speech, every single one of my friends was itching to hear what I have to say. So basically my essay was about nicotine. Explaining how smoking is bad for your health and how big companies were aiming them at young teens. Which as a result affected the economy and sociality as a whole. Once I started opening my mouth, that’s where I felt the explosion inside of my body. My lungs started to bust. Causing an increased pressure of carbon dioxide to come out. Straightaway if there was a plant or flower close to me then that plant or flower would have appreciated the amount of carbon dioxide I was exhaling.

I started to look down at my paper where my speech was. All I saw were just words. Just plain words that for some reason I forgot how to speak. Instead of words flowing out of my mouth, it turns out I had a panic attack which, keep in mind panic attacks comes in different forms. Just instead of having a normal panic attack, I started to laugh hysterically.  Every attempt of saying anything I started to laugh. Knowing that this was a serious topic, normally people giving their speech, usually have a sincere tone. While I was just laughing while giving my speech. That’s where everything started to go into chaos. The whole class including the teacher started to laugh, which caused the whole 3rd floor to hear. The students from other classes decided to come to witness what was happening in that history class. We had unexpected guests come and witness my speech and that’s where for the past couple of days everyone wouldn’t stop talking about my wonderful speech. Well, at least I got a 95 on it while causing a ruthless contiguous laugh across the 3rd floor.