A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Core Values

My core values is kind friendships.  I think communicate with others is a important thing to me,it is necessary part of life.  At the same time,I believe kind will abosorb kind from other one.

This value relates to my goals for the future,because it will help me make more connections in society. It assist me find what other people think differently and also help me share my perspective on thing.  The pleasure of playing alone is limited,but playing with friends can make double the interest.

Improving my writing and communication skills can help me achieve my goals because it will help me understand what I am reading or writing better.  Also it will help me share my thoughts with friends in detail and easily,and communicate their opinions,simple and exact communication is a useful part of friendship.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Good, Zi Hao.

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