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Education Narrative Discussion

A education narrative genre is a genre that is told by stories.The reader is able to be invested in the stories that are being told.You can find this type of genre in almost any essay.The writer of the essay would write their own stories within the essay to get the reader to have an understanding of where their coming from and how they could have related.When you want to write your own education narrative essay you should give a story that relates to the topic and something your readers can enjoy.knowing the type of reader you want to attract with your writing is a big help as well that way you can give a story they can possibly relate to.Reader tend to enjoy the work more when they can feel connected to the work.Some concerns I have on writing an education narrative of my own is that reader won’t like the stories I write down or can’t be connected to it because they can’t relate to it.I don’t think I have a bunch of stories that reader would want to hear so it would be more difficult for me grab the reader’s attention.A education narrative story I can write about is about my time in 11th grade.I was never a big talker in class due to being shy and usually fumbling over my words so I never really got participation point.This year was also one of my hardest year in term of academic wise so my grades were falling a little below average.I had to find a way to be more open and find a way to get the grades i needed to pass.In the end I was able to do it due to the determination I had and the support from others as well.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    An excellent response and yes, I think your experience in 11th grade would be very interesting to a variety of readers.

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