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Education Narrative Discussion

In an education narrative genre, there are conventions. Some examples of conventions are grammar, punctuation, & spelling. In my opinion, these three conventions are the key foundation to any writing and reading. Ever since we were kids, the educational system has taught these three conventions, because they play an important role in our society. It’s how we speak, read, & write. Furthermore, we use these three on a daily basis.

As we talk more about the education narrative, I think it’s time to discuss starting my own education narrative. The place I would pick to start and create my own education narrative would be when I apply for a job or when creating a resume for a job that I am applying for. I specifically picked these two examples since its easier to use and its something important for to do. For example, when I am trying to apply for a job, it would require me to check for my spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Also, I would have to check in what format I am writing, like rather or not is it going to be formal or informal. As a result, both are perfect examples since we all do this all the time, and it’s something we probably do on a daily basis. Next, what are some questions or concerns I might have about writing an education narrative of my own? To answer that question, my first question would be what would happen if we didn’t have any of these conventions? Like, how would this affect today’s society? Would this change how we speak or learn as the years go on?

Finally, to share my experience and educational experience. My first ever educational experience would be when learning how to box. I picked this as one of my important educational experiences since it was the first ever time I tried something out of my comfort zone and it was who was teaching me. Boxing is an amazing way to relieve stress and anxiety. When I was in 6th grade around September when I took my first boxing class. My uncle was my coach and he was the one who taught me how to box. He told once that I will never forget was when he said to me, “So you want to learn how to fight so you can hurt people?” I answered with a puzzled face and replied, “No Tio, I want to learn how to defend myself from anything.” He looked at me with a chuckle and said, “Ok, but first you must learn how to heal.” And from there he taught me how to heal and fight. And then a couple of months passed by and I was becoming really good at it and most importantly he was proud of me. Then April came along and he passed away. Now that took a big toll on me. From there I haven’t gone back to boxing. I hung up gloves and decided to not touch them ever again. As a couple of years went by, one of my brothers decided to take a kickboxing class. From there he told me I should go with him and he was the one who pushed me to go into boxing. My brother made me realize how much boxing meant to me and how much it changed me. So I decided to give it a chance and this time do it for an actual reason. And to this day my real reason why I box is to make my Uncle proud of me and I ain’t just boxing for me I am boxing for my Uncle.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    What a great story, John — very interesting!

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