A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Education narrative

Basically my experience with education narrative is that I actually enjoy writing them because personally I love telling stories especially stories throughout my life because I like telling or hearing stories that is relatable towards me and other people. I have done quite a few educational narratives through high school I really like putting alot of expression  about writing especially about my personal life because in personal narratives I like to talk about personal aspects from my life so I can show my true self and connect with people to get a deeper understanding from me and it goes the same with other peoples narratives I like to understand there a little better than I did before. Education narratives is the writing I actually prefer than any other writing preferences because you get to actually write on what you want to write and explain. Sometimes I could be uncomfortable because I’m a introverted but if I really want to say something that I’m confident in or I cannot help but say something about it so if we ever had a presentation I’m going to be a nervous wreck but I’m will convince and push myself to do because it’s either that or get a poor grade so i rather risk being afraid.  I like to have understanding different types of stories that people go through it probably the reason why I like watching real life stories and documentaries because it shows that your aren’t alone there are people that can go through thing that relate to you sometimes even worse than what you been through and it just gives you a wake up call moment that he or she been through worse and if he or she is fine I should do well too….

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    A fair response, George, as you didn’t touch on some of the other questions.

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