A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Education Narrative

An education narrative is an important way to teach others through your story and experiences. This narrative helps improve cognitive functions and it is also a good way to communicate. Other than the standard proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. Some conventions of the education narrative genre are the ability to connect with one’s intended audience, correct word choices that are appropriate for the audience the author is trying to relative to. Also one’s personal experiences and struggles and how they overcame those hardships and an inviting and comforting tone. However, a good place to start my education narrative would be in high school. I went to a high school in my birth country for a year and a half.  When I first started high school I was very opinionated but I soon learned in the classroom only the teacher’s opinion mattered. This made me feel like I didn’t belong there because of my differing world views caused by my upbringing. This made the classroom very one-sided and hard to be in since I had to suppress my views in order to basically keep the peace. I was taught to take as much information as I can and never question whether it was right or wrong or even express how it made me feel. While in high school in the U.S I found myself shying off whenever a teacher asked my opinion because I was never accustomed to being asked “what do you think” or “how does this make you feel”. I had to relearn how to use my voice and stand up for what I think is right and just. Although I have a good idea of where to start my education narrative, I still have my concerns. I have a hard time writing about my personal experiences and struggles which I fear would hinder my ability to connect with my audience on a personal level. I also tend to over-explain things when I feel like I have not made my point clear and under-explain when I can not find the right words to put on paper. Lastly I often myself drifting between ideas when my train of thought is interrupted and I do not want my writing to be mixed up or confusing.  

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Your education narrative sounds pretty interesting already. Excellent response, Odeica!

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