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Bunn Assignment

When Mike Bunn says”You are already an author” I believe he means using everything you ever wrote makes you an author.Including Every essay you have turned in from school to any text message you have wrote to your friends.We constantly improve at being authors everyday just by writing something simple.For example just by writing for this assignment right now I am improving my skills as an author.This skill will help me in my college life and in my writing career because in college I will have to write more essays and other writing work in the near future.The more I right now will help me be an even better writer in the future when I really need it like writing documents for work or writing professional emails to important people so they think I am an educated person and be willing to listen to me.Something I noticed in Bunn’s article that I would like to do in my own writing is to make comments within the text and highlighting them as when.On page 81 he Mike Bunn says”markup the text,make comments in the margins,and write yourself notes and summaries both during and after the reading.”.I can use this in my writing by keeping notes on what I think about the article while I am reading them that way when I have to go back to the article I can use what I was thinking about and incorporate it into my writing.My biggest problem with writing and going back into the article is that I sometimes forget things that was going through my head while reading an article.Using this advice from Bunn will allow me to keep everything.Something else that I noticed in Bunn’s article is located on page 79 when Bunn says “It is helpful to continue to ask yourself questions as you read like a writer.As you’re first learning to read in this new way,you may want to have a set of questions written or typed out in front of you that you can refer to while reading.”.I can use this for my writing because learning and understanding a author can make it easier to pu

t down what they mean and feel into words.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Excellent response to the Bunn assignment, Ishmel.

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