A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

One Word

One word to describe how I’m feeling about this course as we are getting started is enthusiastic.I don’t have any worries or concerns about the readings. But I have a sense of relief that we can finally be in person again. I thought last semester would be a in person semester. Knowing what happened I should have started college this semester since online classes were never good for me since I get distracted easily at home.  This photo I chose is off my cat who I love. I have a soft spot for cats, never liked cats until I got one myself. He keeps me busy at home, since I recently quit my job and it’s just him and I at home majority the time. Feed him twice a day, play with him whenever and scoop his poop every morning. Nice to have a pet around even though he used to scratch a lot but he grew out off it since I would yell at him. He means a lot even though “it’s my sisters” since even after I recovered from covid he would come in my room and lay on top of my chest while I slept



  1. Shah

    I love cats bro, really cool.

  2. Lisa Cole

    Glad to hear you’re enthusiastic, Jhay! LOVE the cat pic.

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