For Monday 2/26 and Wednesday 2/28…

Just a reminder that these posts are only repeating what is listed on the syllabus, and you can always find your assignments for the next class by checking the Course Schedule that I handed out in the beginning of the semester and is posted on OpenLab.


For class Monday 2/26…

  1. Print “Learning to Read,” by Malcolm X
  2. Read “Learning to Read,” by Malcolm X
  3. Complete HW #8
    1. Pick 5 of the vocabulary words listed. Write the definition of the word and then write your own sentence that uses the word correctly.
    2. Answer Reading Questions #1 and #2.
    3. Answer Discussion Question #1.
    4. Be sure to use details and examples from the text to support your answers.

For lab Wednesday 2/28…

  1. Write Essay #1, Draft #2
    1. bring TWO printed, stapled copies to lab
    2. bring the P copy of Draft #1 (the one with my corrections on it)

For class Wednesday 2/28…

  1. Read Introduction to Summary Writing
  2. Complete HW #9 [ROF2]