A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Discourse Communities Outline

Remember, you will need two outlines- one for each mini-paper.


  1. Halley C Otero

    Essay #1 herbal medicine


    What is herbal medicine, why do people use it, what groups use it.

    body 1

    The “safety” of herbal medicines

    Body 2

    Herbal medications taken with prescribed medications and the dangers

    Body 3

    Bad eects of herbal medication, Herbal medications taken with prescribed medications and the dangers


    Yes there are benefits to taking herbal medication but the dangers are equal.

    Essay #2 prescription medicine


    When did prescribed medications start, why and who they are given too

    body 1

    The benefits of medicines are the helpful eects you get, such as easing pain, controlling blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, or curing an infection, (physical)

    Body 2

    Mental stability of prescription meds and positive eects (mental)

    Body 3

    Addictions to Prescribed medications, painkiller etc, long term negative eects,


    Yes there are benefits to using prescription meds however some medications are life long and the addictions that go with it are not great.

    • josie Desir

      First Essay : sexually abuse children

      Intro: How sexual abuse start in children

      Body 1: how children are affected by being sexually assaulted and who attack them?

      body 2: How they feel after being sexually abuse? what kind of help is available to them to save their lives?

      body: 3 who can they trust, to be able to talk about the assault ?

      conclusion: the children needs their love one to be their for them after being sexually abuse, to avoid the continues of sexual abuse and to also prevent them turning to substance abuse.

      Second Essay:

      Intro: why kids are mostly the target to be sexually abuse?

      body:1 how the children express themselves to their parents or others?

      body:2 are the kids are able to bounce back from being assaulted?

      body:3 how can they be protected from their predator?


      psychological help is required as treatment, for the kids not to be hunted from the sexual abuse they experience. for them to have a future in their adulthood.

    • Josie Desir

      you gave me a great Idea on how to outline, thank you. medicine is a great topic, you will definitely learn from this research. good luck.

  2. Winson Chen

    Discourse Communities 

    Idea: Robotics robot-assisted surgery

    Part 1

    People’s point of view (society itself)


    • Briefing about the concerns that the societies may have toward robot-assisted surgery if being used.


    Per paragraph (6 body)

    • Patient Safety
    • Long-term health impact
    • Affordability
    • Ethical considerations
    • Mechanical issues ( repairs, breakdowns, power, data security)
    • Train and skill transition


    • Sum up the major concerns of the society if robot-assisted surgery were to be used

    Part 2

    Research point of view (research community)


    • Briefing about the benefits that robot-assisted surgery may bring.


    Might use- Decide after research – Per Paragraph

    • Precision and accuracy
    • Recovery
    • Visualization(3D structure of autonomic structures)
    • Minimal invasive procedures( affect surrounding tissues)
    • Blood loss reduction
    • Improve Efficiency for Surgeons
    • Customization for Each Patients


    • Sum up the researches the provides the benefits that robot-assisted surgery can bring

    Part 3


    • Talk about both sides point of view ( Starting sentence ex. Two communities, two different points of view and concerns with both having their reason)


    • 1st talk sum up society point of view
    • 2nd sum up research point of view
    • Compare and contrast both point of view


    • How I feel about how sides point of view
    • Josie

      Great outline, you have very important information here. Good luck.

  3. Lauren hau

    Topic: The spiritual/ scientific meaning of dreaming

    Essay one: The spiritual meaning of dreaming

    Intro: Do you believe In the superstitions of our dreams? could some of our dreams be a sign or a way to connect with a reality that isn’t physical?


    • The spiritual ancient history of Dreaming
    • Telepathic dreams
    • The astral realm in dreaming
    • How our desires appear in dreams
    • What could our nightmares mean?
    • Dreams that symbolize good luck

    Conclusion: Many people have different opinions and thoughts on dreams, some might believe them to be random but others might believe that dreams are another form of connecting to something higher than the world we know.

    Essay 2: The scientific meaning of dreaming

    Intro: Why do we dream? how does dreaming happen and what happens to the human brain and body while dreaming?


    • Sleep cycles in dreaming
    • How the brain constructs dreams
    • How drugs and alcohol affect dreaming
    • Does everyone dream?
    • Lucid dreaming
    • Health benefits of dreaming

    Conclusion: The science of dreaming may be different for everyone as we all have different past experiences and health status.

  4. Flower Shower

    Types of hospital diets

    Why is medically diet is important

    Types of diets

    Why do patients need special diet and what is the purpose of the dietary requirements

    Food as medicine

    Why so many Terms and Dietary Labels conclusion

    Importance of nutrition in hospitalized patients

    What are the symptoms of poor nutrition in patients

    Why is nutrition important in recovery from illness

    How does food contribute to the recovery of the patients


  5. Johanna Rodriguez

    Music and Identity: Explore how individuals and communities use music to construct and express their cultural, ethnic, and personal identities. 

    Part 1 :

    • Introduction
    • Provide an overview of the significance of music in identity formation.
    • Define key terms such as cultural identity, ethnic identity, and personal identity in the context of music.
    • Introduce the scope and objectives of the research.
    • The Role of Music in Cultural Identity
    • Discuss how music serves as a key marker of cultural identity for different communities.
    • Explore case studies or examples of musical traditions that are closely tied to specific cultural identities.
    • Analyze the ways in which cultural values, beliefs, and practices are reflected in musical expression.
    • Music and Ethnic Identity
    • Examine how music contributes to the construction and preservation of ethnic identity.
    • Investigate the role of music in ethnic communities’ rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations.
    • Discuss the ways in which ethnic minorities use music to assert their identities in multicultural societies.
    •  Personal Identity and Musical Preferences
    • Explore how individuals use music to express their personal identities and sense of self.
    • Discuss the role of music in shaping identity formation during adolescence and young adulthood.
    • Analyze the relationship between musical tastes, subcultures, and identity markers such as gender, sexuality, and social class.

    Part 2 :

    • Musical Diasporas and Transnational Identities
    • Investigate how migration and diaspora shape musical practices and identities.
    • Examine case studies of diasporic communities that maintain musical traditions from their homelands.
    • Discuss the ways in which transnational artists navigate between multiple cultural and musical identities.
    • Music, Social Movements, and Identity Politics
    • Analyze the role of music in social movements and identity politics.
    • Discuss how music has been used as a tool for protest, resistance, and cultural activism.
    • Explore the intersectionality of music with other forms of identity-based activism, such as feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, and indigenous rights.
    • Globalization and Hybrid Identities
    • Examine how globalization and cultural exchange influence musical hybridity and identity formation.
    • Discuss examples of cross-cultural collaborations, fusion genres, and global music trends.
    • Analyze the tensions and negotiations between local authenticity and global commodification in music production and consumption.
    • Conclusion
    • Summarize key findings and insights from the research.
    • Reflect on the broader implications of music’s role in identity construction and expression.
    • Suggest avenues for future research and exploration in the field.
  6. Flower Shower

    Essay 1

    Types of hospital diets

    Why is medically diet is important

    Types of diets

    Why do patients need special diet and what is the purpose of the dietary requirements

    Food as medicine

    Why so many Terms and Dietary Labels


    Essy 2

    Importance of nutrition in hospitalized patients

    What are the symptoms of poor nutrition in patients

    Why is nutrition important in recovery from illness

    How does food contribute to the recovery of the patients


  7. Luis

    Essay #1 Casinos scam people 


    •  how people spend thousands of dollars every day in the casinos  

    Body paragraphs  

    • The amount of people that go every day to the casinos  
    • How it changes people life  
    • Addiction it creates  
    • How it teaches to other people  
    • How the people think casinos works 


    • Brainstorm all information and make a summery  

    Essay #2 Tricks of the casino 


    • How the structure of the casinos is made to be addicted  

    Body paragraphs 

    • How machines a programmed  
    • How they control people mentally  
    • How they track each person when they enter  
    • How they have the control in most of the games  


    • Summary of everything  
    • Brainstorm the information from the two essays 
  8. Hennan tamang

    Discourse Communities Outline

    TOPIC: Al affects


    Introduction-  Introduce the topic of Al (Artificial Intelligence) and its impact on our generation – Briefly explain what Al is and how it is being used in various aspects of society.


    • Al’s role in the workforce – Discuss how Al is changing the job market and the types of jobs that may be replaced by automation – Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of increased Al in the workforce
    • Al’s impact on daily life – Explain how Al is integrated into everyday activities such as shopping, social media, and entertainment – Consider how reliance on Al may be affecting human interaction and decision-making processes
    • Ethical considerations surrounding Al – Examine ethical dilemmas that arise from the use of Al, such as privacy concerns, bias in algorithms, and potential job displacement – Discuss ways in which society can address these ethical issues and ensure responsible use of Al technology

    Conclusion – Summarize key points about how Al is affecting our generation – Offer thoughts on what steps individuals can take to adapt to a future with increasing reliance on artificial intelligence.

    PART#2 Al Advantage

    Introduction- discussing the advantages for our generation B. Thesis statement: Our generation has been blessed with numerous advantages that previous generations did not have access to.


    • Technological Advancements A. Discuss the impact of technological advancements on our generation. Examples of how technology has improved communication, education, and access to information. Benefits of technological advancements for our generation.
    • Increased Awareness and Advocacy. Highlight how our generation is more aware of social issues and injustices than previous generations. Discuss the role of social media in raising awareness and promoting advocacy efforts. Examples of successful advocacy campaigns led by our generation
    • Globalization and Cultural Exchange. Explore how globalization has connected people from different parts of the world like never before. Discuss the benefits of cultural exchange and diversity for our generation.Examples of how globalization has opened up opportunities for travel, education, and business.


    • Summarize the main points discussed in the essay.Reiterate that our generation is fortunate to have access to various advantages that have enriched our lives. End with a call to action for utilizing these advantages to make a positive impact on society.
    • Winson Chen

      Hello! I really like this outline because in every bullet point, you talk about what you will be doing which I feel like is a can make the assignment much simpler to do.

  9. Marcus C

    Topic – Should there be Universal healthcare?

    (Community side)

    Introduction – Introduce the community stand point

    Paragraph 1 – Community point

    Paragraph 2 – Community point

    Paragraph 3 – Community point

    Conclusion – summarize all points

    (Governmental side)

    Introduction – Introduce the governments stance on topic

    Paragraph 1 – Governments point

    Paragraph 2 – Governments point

    Paragraph 3 – Governments point

    Conclusion – Summary of all points

    (Summary of both sides)

    Paragraph 1 on why the community POV is valid

    Paragraph 2 on why the government POV is valid

    Conclusion on both POV’s

  10. Christopher Moran

    Topic: Animal testing

    Essay 1

    Intro: Talk about what animal testing is and what it does for us. The pros of animal testing and how scientist use animals for experiments.

    Body paragraphs:

    • The pros of animal testing
    • Why is it that they use animals to run tests
    • Does animal testing really help


    Summarize why animal testing exists and what we use them for based on the research.

    Essay 2


    Body paragraphs:

    • Is it expensive to perform on animals
    • Are the animals feeling any type of pain during the testing
    • Is there any other alternative to doing these experiments


    Summarize the cons and explain the two sides of this.

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