A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Erik Borg, “Discourse Community” and Patricia Bizzell “What Is a Discourse Community?”

Although we may have not been aware of it, we all have been involved with discourse communities in one way or another. Be it a club one was in, a forum or subreddit we posted to, or even being within a group of friends who liked one thing intensely,  to one extent or another, we were in  a discourse community.

Now, I would like you to reflect upon your portrait of a word assignment. In this post, please express how possibly you were a person in a specific discourse community and define it.

Possibly, stating these items will help to shape your community within your post: 1) was there a particular language used or way of stating things 2) Were there individuals that would not be considered as part of that group possibly, but only because of small differences that would allow them their own group 3) are you still a member of this group, has the group changed over time, or how would the group have to change to keep its members.  4) What genre was associated with this group.


  1. Johanna Rodriguez

    With numerous inquiries, I’m not even sure where to begin. I believe that everyone experiences the discourse community. It’s as like the world truly does show you how harsh it can be, and you might not fit in anywhere. It’s like a canonical event that happens to everyone. It was never easy for me to figure out where I belonged when I was a child. I have always had intelligence. Well, not in a “weird, nerdy smart” sense—I don’t mean to offend, but you get what I mean. With a lot of people, I’ve always been at ease. However, due to my minor deviations, I was never able to blend in anywhere. I knew too many “cool people,” therefore I never went around with the honor students, who were brilliant individuals. “Cool people” Thought I was too “smart” to hang out with them, the “cool people” chatted to me. which, given that everyone is intelligent in their own unique manner, has never made sense to me. However, prominence will still cause people to divide you. 

    • Winson Chen

      Hello Johann, I agree with you that everyone has experienced discourse community at some point in their time and that their experiences may be different. Also, one of the many problems people would face during the years of them growing up would be trying to fit into a group. But once you actually fit into a group, you will feel kind of different about other groups of people. For example, when you are in a group of people who always goes out to have fun, you will feel that those people who don’t got out as much and have fun will be weird.

      • Luis

        I agree with you. I had this problem when I came to this country because I was the only one who could speak Spanish in middle school in my class. I couldn’t even fit in a group because all kids where born here or they where from a non–speaking Spanish country. The people who speak Spanish were not that fluent, but I was able to adapt.

    • Lauren hau

      Hello Johanna, I think as a child no one really knows where they belong, I think we kind of just fall into communities with our own interests and hobbies and it depends how we’re raised and what type of activities our parents did with us. Even though we may get divided in certain aspects there are some communities in our life that make us feel some sort of comfort like our family gatherings and maybe just people who make you laugh. I agree that we may not fit in everywhere but we can always go where we feel welcomed.

  2. Winson Chen

    When I was in elementary school, there was always a time when teachers told you to work in the group you wanted to work with of your choice. During that time, you would obviously look for your buddies because of the same interest. When I was young, I loved to play games and as a result, the friends I play with are naturally the ones that like to play the same type of games. We would talk about what point of the game we have reached and compare who was stronger. People who have the same interest were able to join as well as those who were interested in games. The group is really open and as long as you do play games, you are always welcome to join. On the other hand, students who love to read and learn don’t usually join our group because they aren’t interested, and they find games boring. As time went on, we were split into groups who played games and a group who loved to learn. This group however didn’t last long, just like penance wouldn’t be there forever. When we finished elementary school, many people moved, including me so the group slowly dispersed. But in the end, it was still very good memory.

    • Josiedesir71

      I can relate to your story, I believe when school mate grow apart it kind of help us see life in a different way. because we get to adapt to New friends and different environments in our lives, most go to different schools or different countries and so on.

    • Vincent Chen

      I heavily relate to this. My friends I’ve been gaming with are the same friends I started playing with 8 years ago in middle school. Its been the same ever since and just new people who share the same interests. We also share interests in other things but not all of us such as anime. Like you said, readers won’t really join gaming voice calls the same way people who don’t like anime won’t want to watch anime. Its part of their community because they share the same interests

    • Luis

      I understand this because everywhere besides school like in your work place you have to adapt to a different type of people and it could be difficult.

  3. Marcus C

    Back in middle school there were many groups. Groups like student government and other groups that the students made. The school used to rank our classes for some reason so if you were in a class like 6-1, you were smarter than the kids in 6-5. I was in 6-2 and could say that kids from lower number classes were smarter than most of the ones in my class. Despite this fact most of the higher class members would make fun of the lower classes as if they were better. Overtime when we were all close to graduating it didn’t matter anymore which is a good thing. But I blame the school for putting that in our heads.

    • Winson Chen

      Hi Marcus, for this experience, I can understand but I also think differently. I could only say that good schools always have competition between students. These types of completion are very cruel in my opinion but at the same time, it motivates students to work harder in the school and this is what the education system/department want to happen and see since every school, especially public high school are being ranked. As for making fun of people who has lower grades, this is a problem that the school chairs are not about to solve, and the student council are more of the one at fault as they are not about to properly hand the class. I have similar experiences as yours, but my high school was a little crueler. The competition level my school not really about making fun as the student council members as president were managing them well. However, when it comes to grades, the competition would be the student at the whole school. Every student would try their best to gain every penny of points. But this type of competition is what schools want to promote to encourage more students to get better grades.

    • Lauren hau

      Hello Marcus, I know exactly what you mean because I also noticed how they would rank our classes. I remember being made fun of as a kid in elementary school as well because of this very reason but I guess it was a necessary thing to do in order to understand our learning abilities. This is a great example of a discourse community because we were surrounded by students that were on the same learning levels as us.

    • Charles Dumas

      Hi Marcus, I agree with you. Pretty much in any society it’s can be easy for kids to bully each other. Even if they are smart or have a low IQ. if you are smart you hear them calling you a nerd and if you have a lower IQ they also make fun of you. It was bad for the school to not realize such thing would cause this type of conflict. But I also comprehend why they had the system set up like you mentioned. The only reason I would think of is to put a sense of character in the head of the students. To always want to make it to the next level since you have something to prove.

    • Josiedesir71

      bully, exist everywhere in the world, sometimes it’s for a short period of time. many of those kids probably wondered what had happened to you all, as you mentioned it, to us. if the school knew about the younger kids being bullied they should have had strict rules to protect them. that is if the school is aware of it.

  4. Lauren hau

    Back in High School I was part of band class and I played the flute, every now and then we would prepare for concerts and practice before the show and it had to be one of my favorite groups to be a part of. Music plays a big role in my life and being able to have fun with like minded people made me feel some type of comfort. I had band every first period in the morning and it was that one class that I always looked forward to going to. My band teacher was funny and I got to play the flute with some of my favorite friends. It was a moment in time where I really did appreciate being part of a community where I felt seen and joyful.

    • Luis

      I can relate with my story because I was part of a club when I was in high school and I felt comfortable when I joined and started doing productive stuff.

  5. Josiedesir71

    When I applied for my late mother to come in this country, many people she considered her friend, started hated us, because she was leaving them. they tried so many ways to stop her from going to New York, some would go in her locked draw to get any immigration document by breaking the lock, and tear everything up to stop the process. one day before I visited her in Port Au Prince, I begged her not to tell anyone that I way coming. And She did, she had told one person she trusted and that person told everyone on the block. so one of them who was affiliated with the gang came with a bag for me to take back into New York with me, for his mother. he said it was a pain medicine for her. I firmly said no because I know they like to set people up. so the bag had weed and many other items that I’m not familiar with, after I opened it to see if he was telling the truth. everything was warped up in gift wrap but not one of those items had his mother’s name on it or any of his family members. so the plan was for my mother not to ever travel and for me to get locked up for me not to be able to help her.

  6. Vincent Chen

    I started side hustles and reselling back when covid first hit. Everything was out of stock and everyone wanted things that were out of stock such as computer parts, ps5s, limited drop items, hyped clothing, etc. I saw that serious money could be made with minimal work and I was instantly attracted. It gave me a good insight into the how the economy was doing and also increased my sales skills. I also used the skills I learned throughout reselling to start my first online business which I then sold.

    There are different parts to reselling because theres so many categories and ways to resell. You can resell literally anything. The biggest compnaies you shop at like walmart or costco just resell shit they bought from their suppliers for cheaper. I’ve sold barbie dolls to nba court side tickets to pools to heavy machinary. The possibilities are endless as long as there is a market for it.

    I am still a member of this community because once you learn sales and analysis skills, you will never forget them. Reselling is always changing and evolving. It will always be around because of supply and demand. If theres a person willing to buy it, it will sell. Simple as that

  7. Luis

    When I was in high school. I was in a coding group where I learned how to code. This was important to me because I learned a different new language in coding. I was able to learn how to code in basic stuff in Python and C++. While I was in this group I realized how much I was involved in this because, during COVID-19, I was learning how to build PCs and how every part of the PC function. I was very interested in this kind of topic because I always like to learn new stuff that comes with technology. When I learn all about this. I started putting further goals that reach out to different levels like being able to fix circuits or even programming my own creation. This thing changed my life because I used it as a hobby and do something that I liked and not just study or be a robot doing the same thing over and over again.

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