A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 3 Outline

Here are some links to help you with the outlines for the varied genres we spoke about in class. If there is not a link for a genre you are considering, please contact me asking for me to help you find one or to approve of the source you are using. Remember, it is important we make these as robust as possible in order for them to be great foundations for our work ahead.




  1. Naomi Quizhpi

    The genre I decided to use was video making/YouTube. In order to make a good YouTube video, I first have to pick the right genre for my YouTube video on vaccination, which is the discourse behind it. I chose to make my video educational. I also had to see who my viewer base would be, so I decided to target students at City Tech College. After that, I had to create a script that formed all my topics. 

    • Shake

      Before locking in with my genre, I was thinking about creating a YouTube video as well. The video being educational but slightly different since I would be targeting elementary school students.

  2. Hussain Alsaeedi

    I personally preferred to do a document on google docs because video might not turn the light one everything, rather it only highlights the important things and in this class we need to explain each point with details. Furthermore, focusing on video’s quality might turn the focus from the main topic. This looks more connected to film industry which I am not an expert at. Anyways, my audience are City Tech freshmen, because the independent character verses the flock person character are important for people, especially during youth years that are the years of energy.

  3. chandlerwu

    i am making a video on YouTube. my target is students at City Tech College. the plan was pull character, than building character.

    • Shake

      Also wanted to create a YouTube video for my audience. I feel like a short 1 min video could’ve benefitted but also more details could’ve been brought up.

  4. Shake

    The genre I personally went with was poetry. My audience was 4th graders, so I believe this was the best way to get their attention when it came to my topic. The use of rhymes would make them pay attention and learn the facts through a melody. This was the best genre to go with being that 4th graders wouldn’t want to listen to anything that was just a bunch of words being thrown at them.

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