Expanded Definition of Web Developer

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM: Olamide Yomi

DATE: 10//2021

SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Web developer


The purpose of this document is to explore more into a web developer, expanding on the context, history, and definition. A web developer is one of the popular and fast-growing job opportunities in this modern age. Everyone uses Websites such as big companies, small businesses, E-commerce, school, etc.
Definitions [Heading Level 2]
According to Oxford English Dictionary, “Web developer is a person who develops websites and online applications, esp. with a focus on functionality and the practical aspects of implementing a design or brief.” This is a very generic definition of a web developer job stating the work they perform and showcasing the main online presence. [1, def 1]. According to the Britannica Academic, “A web developer is A technology specialist who uses programming languages to design and create the look and function of Web sites and their content.” [1, def 2]. Again, another generic definition which is supporting the first definition of a web developer but adding new information such as the use of programming language which is something web developer needs to make any web designs.


The following content expands on where the word web developer came from and how it has evolved throughout the ages. According to Gale eBooks, “By far, the factor most responsible for the rapid evolution of Internet site development was the onslaught of electronic commerce (e-commerce). Businesses seeking to hawk products over the Internet spurred the technology and the developers into overdrive in attempts to tailor World Wide Web sites and their capabilities to the companies’ marketing and distribution needs.” [2, P.1]. This really explains in detail the importance of web developer to business such as the modern and most popular form of business right now E-commerce business showing how web developers using skill to bring engaging markets to the business from the internet is a very big market for people with little attention span, so web developer must find and adapted to unique ways of getting audience engaging using different design and the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and programming to get markets for business.
The main job of a web developer is the creation of a good responsive(functioning) website design. According to the IEEE article “A responsive design is a technique that designers use to deliver elegant visual experience regardless any browser size used and any constraints lied on accessing device” [7, P.2] Almost every web developer is to build a web page that can adapt to every visitor’s screen size be it a smartphone or a computer, and change the layout in order to match the visitor device without any complication. Not only should your web page look good, but it should also be user-friendly. Regardless of the device size. This is what is referred to as a responsive website. The ability for a web developer to use CSS and HTML to reshape hide, shrink, enlarge, or move content on any screen size and make it look good. Web developer uses different techniques to make this happen. Such as using stetting the viewport, which is the visible area of the web page, using a building responsive grid, or favorable using a media query to control the page layout matching the device being used.

Working Definition

Web developer are group of people who uses different programming language and skill design to create a website design to get audience from the benefit of themselves of business in general.
According to an article found on IEEE “A design is considered to be responsive if it uses these three points: a flexible grid, flexible images and media, and media queries.” [7. P.2]. By using this web developer can define the resolution ranges, meaning designing a flexible layout can be made easy. This is as web design has grown from the traditional method of designing which used to be fixed-width design with minimum resolution. As different device is invented, a web developer has to come out with a different way to adapt the design to it. By using HTML 5 and CSS 3 to create a website that does it.
The introduction of responsive website design has reduced the problem of having to resize, panning, and scrolling and accessing them from any device. With the creation of it, people can now access important information easily.


[1] “Web developer,” in Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford Univ. Press, Jun. 2008, def. 1 [Online]. Available: https://www.oed.com
[2] Hector Santana “Web developer.” [Online]. Britannica Academic, Available: https://academic-eb-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/levels/collegiate/article/Web-developer/632823 [Accessed: 15-Oct-2021].
[3] “Web Developers.” Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries, edited by Lynn M. Pearce, 6th ed., Gale, 2011, pp. 1048-1054. Gale eBooks, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX1930200149/GVRL?u=cuny_nytc&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=7078b439. Accessed 15 Oct. 2021.
[4] F. Y. Alnawaj’ha and M. S. Abutaha, “Responsive web design commitment by the web developers in Palestine,” 2018 4th International Conference on Computer and Technology Applications (ICCTA), 2018, pp. 69-73, doi: 10.1109/CATA.2018.8398658.

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