Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 1

After watching this week’s lecture (embedded in the post above) and reading this article on best practices for emailing professors, complete your first Weekly Writing Assignment by sending an email of introduction from your official City Tech email account to Prof. Ellis at jellis@citytech.cuny.edu according to the following parameters:

  • Send an email to Prof. Ellis at jellis@citytech.cuny.edu from your City Tech email account.
  • Subject line: ENG2575 [Your Section] Student Introduction
  • Salutation
  • Body: Tell me about yourself, your major, career goals, hobbies, what you want to get out of our class, and your availability for teamwork.
  • Closing: Sign with your name or how
    you would like me to refer to you.
  • If you need to reset your City Tech email password, go to forgot.citytech.cuny.edu.

1 thought on “Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 1”

  1. Pape Diop

    1. This main argument about this article is why people who work out should add rest into their routine. It states many arguments when people believe adding a rest day into your workout is beneficial. While others think it is not necessary because muscles soreness is progress.

    2. This article shows many pieces of research on how taking rests days can prevent injuries, more concern for females. [1]. Some also believe that you can rest while doing exercise in low intensity, and as well not rest or recovery at all when you take a rest day.

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