Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 10

After watching this week’s lecture and reading Prof. Ellis’ “Reply-All” email with your new team assignments, each team should have one member create a folder on Google Drive and share it with the other team members. Then, create a Google Doc inside your team’s shared folder to write a memo together about your team’s project topic deliberations and the topic that you ultimately chose. Each team member should then copy-and-paste the memo into a comment added to this post. Remember: Each team member will copy-and-paste the same memo that you wrote together.

TO: Prof. Ellis
FROM: Hari Seldon, Mose Ellis, and Moomin Papa
DATE: 11/17/2021
SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

Write one sentence stating the purpose of this memo. Then, write about the topics that you considered and ultimately the topic that your team picked for your research report. This only needs to be 250 words. 

10 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 10”

  1. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Muztahid, Rosario, Olamide, Mamadou, Akame, Duccquon
    DATE: 11/17/2021
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to discuss the different topics that we have considered. We discussed non-technical topics like global warming. Through our discussion, we concluded that although it’s a very important/relevant topic in our current world, it does get political. Many of us are opinionated and throughout the writing process, we wanted to keep it strictly factual. We discussed technological problems like the increase of robotics, which can potentially take away jobs from minimum wage workers. But we concluded that there were two sides to this topic and you can argue both. Ultimately, we decided that our topic is going to be about the increased cyber attacks during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a relevant topic and affects all of us. We also discussed the service that we can provide for this issue. This includes VPN and hotline for cyber attacks. We talked about how we can promote this through the collaborative website that we will create.

  2. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Muztahid, Rosario, Olamide, Mamadou, Akame, Duccquon
    DATE: 11/17/2021
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to discuss what topics that we have considered in .
    We discussed topics like global warming. Through our discussion,
    we concluded that although it’s a very important/relevant topic in our current world, it does get political.
    Many of us are opinionated and throughout the writing process, we wanted to keep it strictly factual.
    We discussed technological problems like the increase of robotics, which can potentially take away jobs from minimum wage workers.
    But we concluded that there were two sides to this topic and you can argue both. Ultimately,
    we decided that our topic is going to be about the increased cyber attacks during the Covid-19 pandemic. T
    his is a relevant topic and affects all of us. We also discussed the service that we can provide for this issue.
    This includes VPN and hotline for cyber attacks.

  3. To: Prof. Ellis
    From: Mamadou, Muztahid, Rosario, Olamide, Akane, Duccquon
    Date: 11/17/2021
    Subject: Team Project Topic

    The goal of the memo is to lay out different topics that our team considers. The topics that my team considered involved science or non-technological topics such as global warming. Global warming has become a world threat that has threatened peoples’ livelihoods. Global warming has also become a political ping pong on the world stage even though it is a real fact which is happening. The group decided to keep the paper factually driven. Technological topics were also considered as the increased use of robots in the work sphere. Robots are competing with humans in a way that peoples’ work feels threatened. The first people in the line of competition with robots are minimum wage workers. For example, there are robots that make burgers and coffees. However, this topic can be a controversial topic which means that there can be pros and cons about this topic. My group decided eventually to write about the increased cyber-attacks during the covid 19 pandemic. The increased cyber security attacks during the covid 19 pandemic affect us all which requires a deep investigation. Criminals have exploited the fear that comes with Covid 19 and the uncertainty to multiply their attacks on individuals. However, INTERPOL has reported that a shift in attacks was noted where these criminals targeted organizations more than they did with individual peoples. It was discussed also about the services we can provide in dealing with this problem which includes VPN and Hotline for cyber-attacks.

  4. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Jared, Michael, Victor
    DATE: November 17, 2021
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to touch on the topics we considered as a team. One technological issue we considered was deepfakes. The technology behind it is incredible, its existence leads to the possibility for more harm than good. The ability to replace a person’s recorded audio with anything you want based on their recorded speech as well as replace their face with anyone elses can lead to some very nefarious possibilities. Another topic we considered was the chip shortage due to the pandemic and the effect it’s having on various industries worldwide. The pandemic has caused a lot of easily acquirable commodities to become incredibly rare. An additional topic we considered was the growing amount of companies overreaching in terms of data collection. For a lot of companies, data collection has gone beyond data they can use to improve their services, and has turned its users into products. We ultimately decided on researching and discussing phishing. We decided to go with this topic because everyone is a potential victim and educating people is the only way to prevent it from occurring. Our research report will cover phishing and its history, how it’s done today vs. the past if we can find a source for that), what can be done upon a successful phish, and ways to prevent being phished. Hopefully our assignment will help prevent people from being taken advantage of.

  5. To: Prof. Ellis
    From: Mamadou, Muztahid, Rosario, Olamide, Akane, Duccquon
    Date: 11/17/2021
    Subject: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to discuss what topic that we have considered in.
    We talked about topic like global warming, my team also considered involved science or non-technological topics. Many of us are opinionated and throughout the writing process, we wanted to keep it strictly factual. we concluded that although it’s a very important/relevant topic in our current world, it does get political. My group decided eventually to write about the increased cyber-attacks during the covid 19 pandemic. This is a relevant topic and affects all of us. We also discussed the service that we can provide for this issue. This includes VPN and hotline for cyber-attacks.

  6. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Alex, Gani, Anthony, Edwin
    DATE: 12/04/2021
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to state our team’s project deliberations and our final decision on the group project. After careful thought and consideration, we brought ourselves to three topics. The main topics were suggested by a group member and we all agreed that either one was a good option. These three topics were: 1. 5G Networks, 2. IC Chips and Processors Shortage, 3. Climate change. Out of these three, we felt that the chip and processor shortage was our best option. Not only is it a problem with a huge effect during this pandemic, but it’s also one that we are interested in gaining more knowledge about. Furthermore, we felt that 5G Networks was more of a speculative topic since most of the information that circulated around it were rumors and false narratives. As for the climate change, we felt that the topic was such an overused topic and we would just be repeating the same research and stating the same facts that have been known for years now. With out chip shortage topic, we dive into a fresh new issue (as bad as that sounds) and we are able to provide information on a currently presented issue.TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Alex, Gani, Anthony, Edwin
    DATE: 12/04/2021
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to state our team’s project deliberations and our final decision on the group project. After careful thought and consideration, we brought ourselves to three topics. The main topics were suggested by a group member and we all agreed that either one was a good option. These three topics were: 1. 5G Networks, 2. IC Chips and Processors Shortage, 3. Climate change. Out of these three, we felt that the chip and processor shortage was our best option. Not only is it a problem with a huge effect during this pandemic, but it’s also one that we are interested in gaining more knowledge about. Furthermore, we felt that 5G Networks was more of a speculative topic since most of the information that circulated around it were rumors and false narratives. As for the climate change, we felt that the topic was such an overused topic and we would just be repeating the same research and stating the same facts that have been known for years now. With out chip shortage topic, we dive into a fresh new issue (as bad as that sounds) and we are able to provide information on a currently presented issue.

  7. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Muztahid, Rosario, Olamide, Mamadou, Akame, Duccquon
    DATE: 11/17/2021
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to discuss the different topics that we have considered. We discussed non-technical topics like global warming. Through our discussion, we concluded that although it’s a very important/relevant topic in our current world, it does get political. Many of us are opinionated and throughout the writing process, we wanted to keep it strictly factual. We discussed technological problems like the increase of robotics, which can potentially take away jobs from minimum wage workers. But we concluded that there were two sides to this topic and you can argue both. Ultimately, we decided that our topic is going to be about the increased cyber attacks during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a relevant topic and affects all of us. We also discussed the service that we can provide for this issue. This includes VPN and hotline for cyber attacks. We talked about how we can promote this through the collaborative website that we will create.

  8. TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Alex, Gani, Anthony, Edwin
    DATE: 12/04/2021
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to state our team’s project deliberations and our final decision on the group project. After careful thought and consideration, we brought ourselves to three topics. The main topics were suggested by a group member and we all agreed that either one was a good option. These three topics were: 1. 5G Networks, 2. IC Chips and Processors Shortage, 3. Climate change. Out of these three, we felt that the chip and processor shortage was our best option. Not only is it a problem with a huge effect during this pandemic, but it’s also one that we are interested in gaining more knowledge about. Furthermore, we felt that 5G Networks was more of a speculative topic since most of the information that circulated around it were rumors and false narratives. As for the climate change, we felt that the topic was such an overused topic and we would just be repeating the same research and stating the same facts that have been known for years now. With out chip shortage topic, we dive into a fresh new issue (as bad as that sounds) and we are able to provide information on a currently presented issue.

  9. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Jared, Michael, Victor, and Pape
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to touch on the topics we considered as a team. One technological issue we considered as deep fakes. The technology behind it is incredible, its existence leads to the possibility for more harm than good. The ability to replace a person’s recorded audio with anything you want to be based on their recorded speech as well as replace their face with anyone else can lead to some very nefarious possibilities. Another topic we considered was the chip shortage due to the pandemic and the effect it’s having on various industries worldwide. The pandemic has caused a lot of easily acquirable commodities to become incredibly rare. An additional topic we considered was the growing amount of companies overreaching in terms of data collection. For a lot of companies, data collection has gone beyond data they can use to improve their services and has turned its users into products. We ultimately decided on researching and discussing phishing. We decided to go with this topic because everyone is a potential victim and educating people is the only way to prevent it from occurring. Our research report will cover phishing and its history, how it’s done today vs. the past if we can find a source for that), what can be done upon a successful phish, and ways to prevent being phished. Hopefully, our assignment will help prevent people from being taken advantage of.

  10. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Jared, Michael, Victor, Nafisa
    DATE: December 10,2021
    SUBJECT: Team Project Topic

    The purpose of this memo is to touch on the topics we considered as a team. One technological issue we considered was deepfakes. The technology behind it is incredible, its existence leads to the possibility for more harm than good. The ability to replace a person’s recorded audio with anything you want based on their recorded speech as well as replace their face with anyone elses can lead to some very nefarious possibilities. Another topic we considered was the chip shortage due to the pandemic and the effect it’s having on various industries worldwide. The pandemic has caused a lot of easily acquirable commodities to become incredibly rare. An additional topic we considered was the growing amount of companies overreaching in terms of data collection. For a lot of companies, data collection has gone beyond data they can use to improve their services, and has turned its users into products. We ultimately decided on researching and discussing phishing. We decided to go with this topic because everyone is a potential victim and educating people is the only way to prevent it from occurring. Our research report will cover phishing and its history, how it’s done today.

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