Beginning of Class Writing: Explaining Complex Ideas Using Only the Most Common Words

It is important to recognize who your intended audience is and how best to communicate your ideas to that audience. As a technologist, you work in complex ideas that can be difficult to explain to an audience who does not share your educational background and workplace experience. It is important for you to think about how to take complex ideas and terminology and make the accessible and understandable by a general audience. We will use this idea for the basis of your beginning of class writing assignment.

For today’s assignment, you will write a memo summarizing the article that you read for today’s class using only the 1,000 most commonly used words in English. To help you with this task, see this xkcd comic about how this works and use this xkcd tool called simple writer to write the summary in your memo. Follow the format below for your memo:

TO: A colleague sitting next to you

FROM: Your name

DATE: Today’s date

SUBJECT: Simple Explanation of “Article Title”

One sentence explaining in your own words what this memo’s purpose is.

Your summary written using simple writer (linked above).

APA citation of your article. Remember to use the Purdue OWL APA site for guidance on writing a bibliographic entry for your article.

12 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: Explaining Complex Ideas Using Only the Most Common Words

  1. Nikka

    TO: Huakang Mei

    FROM: Nikka Rosenstein

    DATE: 10/3/2017

    SUBJECT: Simple Explanation of “Happiness Traps: How We Sabotage Ourselves At Work”

    While this is a good article to read in full, when trying to help someone identify their own “traps,” it can be useful to have a simplified list to consider.

    People aren’t happy at work. Here are some reasons why we might not be happy.
    * Wanting to win is good because it helps us win. But sometimes when we want to win all the time, we just think about winning all the time in everything. We want to win over our friends and then they get mad. We want to win over the people we work with and then they don’t want to work with us. We want to win more than we want to do good work and then we don’t do good work and we don’t enjoy what we’re doing.
    * Being grown up means doing things we should do and not what we want to do. But sometimes when we keep not doing the things that make us who we are, we end up being sad all the time. We’re much happier when we can be open about what kind of people we like, or what we believe, or where we’re from. If our work isn’t letting us be happy, we might have to change where we work.
    * Lots of people think we should work all the time as much as possible. Doctors say that working more than a normal person should can make us sick and make it harder for us to work well, so we get less done even though we work longer. We need to spend time outside of work, with our families, sleeping, playing, and resting our brains so we can work better.
    If we can believe that we are allowed to be happy at work, then we can think about how we work and what we’re doing that keeps us from being happy, which is the first part of finding out how to be happy at work.

    Mckee, A. (2017, September/October). Happiness Traps: How We Sabotage Ourselves At Work. Harvard Business Review, 95(5), 66-73.

  2. G James Mitchell

    TO: Christian

    FROM: James Mitchell

    DATE: 10/03/2017

    SUBJECT: “Bankruptcy, Jail, and a Second Chance” is about one entrepreneur’s quick success, failure, and lessons she took into her next business.

    This is to summarize this article using the thousand most common words.

    After a hard time working for a company, Heather Blease decided to start her own computer service start up. In six years she went from working on her own to having 2,500 people working for her company. Then the bottom dropped out when a lot of the work went away, but they still had all the workers to pay. One thing lead to another and Heather lost her business and her own money she had saved. She even had some family trouble at the same time. After she had time to think about everything, she took a job trying to sell a computer service to the State. She realized she was right back where she started before all her trouble, and now she had a second chance to use what she had learned. So she made a plan that was better than the first, and started a new computer service company. This time she knew it would be hard at first, but she’s sure the worst is over.

    Kate Rockwood (September 2017). “Bankruptcy, Jail, and a Second Chance”. Inc. Magazine, 127

    Thank You,

    James Mitchell

  3. NawiesniakP

    TO: Jennifer Travinski

    FROM: Paulina Nawieśniak

    DATE: 10/03/2017

    SUBJECT: This article is about Nutritional Smoothies.

    This piece is about drinking your dinner rather than eating it. The person who wrote this idea is Mirel Ketchiff, and she named this piece “Dinner in Glass”, found in Shape Magazine, July/August 2017.

    All of us usually eat dinner rather than drink dinner. This piece talks about that now more and more people choose to have their dinner in glass or in other words in the dinner would be running like water and easy to drink form. The fact that people don’t have time to make food for themselves at home they rather throw a lot of different things that are green, fresh, sweet, and sometimes not sweet, and good for them to still be able to feel full. This piece also talks about that it is good to have this dinner in glass as to do it once in awhile, not all the time. People still should eat normal dinner, even though this new direction of dinner in glass had came to live, and more and more people are excited for it.

    Ketchiff, M. (2017, July/August). Dinner in glass. Shape Magazine, Volume 36(10), 172-175.

  4. Mei,Huakang

    To: Nikka Rosenstein

    FROM: Huakang Mei

    DATE: 10/03/2017

    SUBJECT: Simple Explanation of “Is It Safe to Travel to Mexico After the Mexico City Earthquake?”

    Should you still travel to there after the earth shake.
    This is about 2 weeks before, one of the city in the world got a serious earth shake. In this city about 200 people dead and more than 300 people lost their house. Then, less than two weeks after, a heavier earth shake appear to this city’s south side and pull down some of the the city’s travel land-mark. However, this city is still open and safe to the travelers to visit because the earth shake does not change anything about the top travel land-marks in the city. Not all the air bus can take you to there, you need to go on-line and check which air bus stations that does open to use. Also, if you looking for place to stay in the that city you need to do the same with your air bus. If you feel like to want to help out this city you can always help by giving them money to their local no-money company or you can also go be there and help them out. The person who wrote this piece says that you should still travel to this city because this city still open to the visitors and please them to visit.

    Lieberman, M. (n.d.). Is It Safe to Travel to Mexico After the Mexico City Earthquake? Retrieved October 03, 2017, from

  5. Christian B.

    TO: James

    FROM: Christian Baque

    DATE: October 3, 2017

    SUBJECT: “The 2017 Automotive Excellence Award” describes awards giving to certain vehicles for their performance and certain criteria they met.

    This is a short piece of writing about how a some car became one of the top cars class of 2017. These car has the kind of chance to keep up with top class cars that wouldn’t usually be in the same class as it. In this short piece of writing it shows us the way they made the same place as a high class car would. Its chance to be top car came from how it runs in a way that most cars don’t and still keep up with the other ones. they are also a very nice car to take a trip in even though they didn’t seem like they would be able to. These cars also made top cars for the fact that it can go for a long time without turning off or having to put water kind of thing that’s not air or thick.

    THE 2017 AUTOMOTIVE EXCELLENCE AWARDS. Popular Mechanics (May 2017), 46-56

  6. Jen Travinski

    TO: Paulina Nawiesniak

    FROM: Jennifer Travinski

    DATE: October 3, 2017

    SUBJECT: Simple Explanation of “Will Hackers Leak My Emails?”

    The purpose of this memo is to create a summary of the article, “Will Hackers Leak My Emails?” by Henri Gendreau in the September issue of Wired magazine using simple writer.

    People who use computers to steal information have become able to break into almost any person’s computer letters. However, the writer of this piece states that people who use computers to steal information need not even be that sharp, because the usual person is not careful with what he or she opens on his or her computer. In that way, they are helping computer information stealers break into their information. A well-written computer letter is able to take in the usual person a surprising part of the time, says a lead computer worker at a large computer company. Having said that, the writer of this piece answers the question by saying that most people don’t need to worry. Although serious attacks are possible, the trouble to the usual person is low because his or her information is very boring to people who use computers to steal information.

    Gendreau, H. (2017, September). Will hackers leak my emails? Wired, 69

  7. zina

    FROM: Zinab Adam
    DATE: 10/03/2017

    SUBJECT: Simple Explanation of “Healthcare; OPENANDSHUTCASE”
    Telling how to help make hospitals safe for sick people.
    The person that manage a hospitals and other care homes has to make sure that the building he manages is safe for sick people. That is why using the right doors in hospitals and caring buildings for sick people is very important so they feel safe entering and leaving the building.

    Healthcare; OPENANDSHUTCASE (2017, May). Facilities Management Journal, (25/5), 42-44.

  8. leslie

    TO: Zinab Adam

    FROM: Leslie Bonilla

    DATE: 10.3.17

    SUBJECT: “History of black holes revealed by their spin”

    This note is about the works being done by trained people to gather facts that will help us pass up ideas about the makeup of black holes and lead us to the right path to find out how black holes are formed.

    World class learned people are using cutting edge computers like LIGO to gather information about the beginnings of black holes. The findings is important because it will decide how much facts is needed to check out ideas of how black holes are formed. Finding out the way black holes are made will change the way we understand the world around us.

    Sigurdsson, S. (2017, August 24). History of black holes revealed by their spin. Nature Journal,
    548(7668), 397-398.

  9. Artilese

    Christian Suarez
    Edgar Artiles
    October 3rd

    Today’s article is about the different holiday themes and how hospitality can always take advantage of any holiday.

    Our country has many days we enjoy as a whole. One day we all enjoy is Halloween; this writing explains how a Hospitality group has taken the idea of opening a hotel on Alcatraz for Halloween. The price for the night is a scary 666 no tax. Each cell can hold up to four grownups over the age of 17. This clearly shows how hospitality can grow from our holidays.

    TravelandLeisure (2017,October). Halloween Adventures, 35(5), 40-52.

  10. Ronald Hinds

    TO: Professor Jason Ellis

    FROM: Ronald C. Hinds

    DATE: October 03, 2017

    SUBJECT: Renewable energy use

    The purpose of this memo is to lay out, using simple words, why it is important to replace fossil fuels with 100 percent (100%) renewable grids.

    It would be good if man changes and uses only new clean power: 100%. Wind, wave,and the sun are good ways to create and feed clean power for use. Our way of life will become better in the long run and the earth may stop heating up because of burning matter. This country spends less money on new forms of power than the old forms. While some US cities are already trying to set a time for a change over, some are afraid to make the change, but in 2015, Hawaii, became the first state to set a day.


    Fairley, Peter (2017, September 17). “Customers Seek 100-Percent-Renewable Grids.” IEEE Spectrum, 54(9), 12-13.

  11. Tunde O

    TO: Ronaldo Hinde
    FROM: Tunde Ogunyemi
    DATE: 10/10/2017
    SUBJECT: “Discover the fast(ing) way to weight loss”
    This memo is all about the reason why people are not getting the right result of dieting, which is dependent on the attitude of individuals.
    People are always on the look and search for the best way to lose their weight fast. It has been revealed that the best possible way to lose weight has much to do on yourself. Some of the ways that people have tried to lose weight are; changing their food in-take which has become so much not interesting to many. Also when it comes to changing of food in-take; the ends are not coming up as people find it not interesting because of certain questions that was not answered. What kind of food to eat, when and size of the food to be eaten. (linked above).
    APA citation of your article. Remember to use the Purdue OWL APA site for guidance on writing a bibliographic entry for your article.
    C.Shively, (2017), Discover the fast(ing) way to weight loss, People, Vol. 88, No.16, Oct 16, 2017, p44.

  12. Howard Daley

    TO: Ronald
    FROM: Howard Daley
    DATE: October 3, 2017

    SUBJECT: Renting Your Common Areas
    The purpose here is to show the extent to which owners have come up with a revenue making strategy to generate income by creating spaces on their property.

    The people who owns big family buildings in their need to make more money and continue doing business, have come up with a plan to put more areas in their building up for making money. The areas in question are the place people work out, where they read books and all that area that takes them to the front door.
    Most people in the building do not like the idea. The say that the outside people would only cause trouble and create added spending for them.They will have to pay for anyone who gets hurt, building fixing , not to mention the moneys paid to the City for monies the other people will pay them. They will also lose the use of their areas with the others from outside using the place.
    To the people living in the big buildings the extra money is not enough for all their trouble

    Valada, K. (2017, October, 28).Renting your Common Areas. Turning your Unused space into Revenue. The Cooperator. Coop and Condo Monthly. New York,.retrieved from


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