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Importance of Computer Programming by Sher Syed

I believe that one’s future depends on what he/she do today. I study at New York City College of Technology (City Tech). My major is computer information systems (CIS). It is under the Computer System Technology Department, which belongs to the School of Technology and Design. I am getting a AAS degree in CIS at City Tech and after that, I will transfer to Baruch to get a bachelors degree in CIS (Btech) because I want to graduate from a higher rank college. After my studies, I will become a contract programmer that work for other companies through contracts and I will also start my own company where programmers will be recruited and help to find jobs with fair pay rate. Moreover it will help to decrease the number unemployment in America. Before coming to America, I had already taken computer courses in Pakistan. I was appointed as an assistant of my computer teacher because of my good grades in computer course. My brother used to teach me about programming and guided me on what to do next in college. Furthermore, I believe this is best career for me because I have been interested in computers since childhood. Moreover, there are good job opportunities, follow my brother’s footsteps and technology has been developed lately. With that said, in this essay my goal will be to explain the background information of my major (CIS), my reasons for selecting this major, and the things that I will do to be excellent in my career that I choose and also support these with the textual evidence that I researched on.

In computer information systems, you basically learn about different computer programming languages and about business management. After graduation, the options you get in this career are “computer programming, database programming and administration, web programming, and systems/network administration and support” (City Tech 222). You don’t get high pay rate job as programmer right after the graduation. You need to have at least 5 years experience to get higher pay rate job. Firstly, you start as a tester then you get experience from projects and other companies hire you based on your resume. To become an IT manager it takes 7-10 years of experience. In programming, there is a new team that is recently introduced called digital team. It’s not common right now but the idea is spreading. Its main purpose is to handle the main web of the company (basically administrator) and look over other programmers that are working on the project. From getting a CIS degree, you can also start your own business by having a good business knowledge that you learned from your courses of CIS. I want to study hard and spend extra time to study to improve my education at City Tech.

Interest in computers since childhood and good opportunities for job made me choose to do CIS. When I was 7 years old it was first time I saw computer in my life. It made me excited due to the functions that it performs. By the time passes I wanted to learn more about it and wanted to learn how to use it. Then I began to learn about computers in elementary school in Pakistan. At that time, the technology was not really well developed and had really slow computers with less features, comparing to technology now a days. I learned basics of using computer, then I began to use painting application in computer for fun. When I reached in fifth grade, I learned using Microsoft Excel. I learned, how to make report cards for school and I helped teacher in making report cards and I joined computer club and was appointed as an assistant of my computer professor. From that day I set my goal to become a computer programmer. I also have interest in business but I want to combine computer programming and business as my career. I’m still thinking about a business idea that was never been introduced about computer programming. This major contains both aspects that I want to learn about. According to City Tech catalog, “ understanding current business practices in computer system technology” (City Tech 222). Currently, this major helps you to understand about business and also about computer programming. Computer programming has more job opportunities comparing to past few years because of the development in technology. According to the occupational outlook handbook, “ [the] employment of computer programmers is projected to grow 8 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Computer programming can be done from anywhere in the world, so companies sometimes hire programmers in countries where wages are lower” (United States par.6). This shows that job opportunities in computer programming are increasing really fast as compared to other jobs and this job can be done from any part of the world so people from other countries also get opportunities to get a job as computer programmer that can contribute to the innovative ideas about computer programming. Furthermore, “nationally, the demand for computer information system analysts, specialist, and managers is predicted to increase from 274,000 in 2008 to 402,000 by 2018” (Lodgher 1). So, we can see that computer programming has more job opportunities and also requires innovative skills to do the job.

Another reason why I choose this major is because I inspire my brother and want to follow his footsteps. When I was in fourth grade my brother bought a computer in his 9th grade. He had really interest in technology. He always locked up his room and did experiments on his computer. I always observed him while he was using computer and learnt how to use computer. He chose to do computer science and became a computer programmer. He is working as a programmer. When I told him that I am also going to do computer programming he decided to teach me Java (a computer language used for programming). He is still teaching me about programming and shares his projects with me so I can learn about programming from it. He also teaches me how to act as professional and ways to impress the people interview you. Since childhood I was inspired by from my brother’s achievements and wanted to become like him. When I lost my father, my brother left his studies and tried to find a good job. At that time he was working at a gas station. He realized that it’s not going to be enough to survive. He tried to apply for a job as a computer programmer. After a month he got a job at Maine and he used his own knowledge of computer programming to get a job because he didn’t do much courses in college so he had to rely on what he learned on his own. This evokes interest in me to become like my brother but he wanted to me to study and get a degree that he couldn’t get. I want to get degree in CIS to fulfill my brother’s desire. He spent his life to fulfill responsibility as a brother and son. Now I believe it’s my turn to fulfill my duty as a brother and help my brother to take care to family. So I chose this major because I idolize my brother and want to fulfill desire to get a degree in CIS.

The technology is developing really fast and computers are taking over many jobs. Due to the development in technology there are changes occurring in computer programming and it requires innovative skills. According to Lodgher, “smart organizations however use technologies to innovate and to move up the chain from cutting costs to enhancing products to reaching new customers” (Lodgher 4). In other words computer programming one needs innovative skills because technology is developing, and for this purpose innovative minds are required that could lead to the development of the world. Furthermore, Lodgher explained, “ these technologies provide innovative ways of enhancing and changing everyday systems, making them more intelligent and easy to use” (Lodgher 2). This tells that new technologies are used in innovative ways that helps to develop the computer-programming field and increase the knowledge of programmers that use these new technologies. As the technology developing programmers need to have innovative brains because they have to “work alone, but sometimes with other computer specialists on large projects” (United States, “Work Environment” par.2). Similarly as a programmer you normally work alone and need to have innovative brain to achieve your goal. With that said technology is developing day by day and computers are taking over some jobs, innovative minds are required to develop the technology fields.

All in all, this essay emphasizes the importance of becoming a computer programmer for me. I have to fulfill my brother’s desire and to fulfill my responsibility of taking care of my family with my brother. To excel my studies first I have to get AAS degree in CIS. After that I will transfer to other top college and get a bachelors degree in CIS. Then I will do internship job which is required for this major and for my good resume. I will also start a business that will be really different and will include computer programming. I will do that business and computer programming together. My dream job is to become a senior programmer in the top company of the world with high pay rate. There is a lot of competition in this field but I have to fight through to achieve my goal. There is nothing that one can’t do.

             Work Cited

Lodgher, Akhtar, and Kiranmai Bellam. “Teaching Innovation to Graduate Students in Computer Information Systems (CIS).” Communications of the IIMA 11.2 Aug. 2011: 1-7.EBSCO. 25 Oct. 2015

New York City College of Technology- College-Catalog  2015-2016 (City Tech). New york:  New york City College of Technology, 2015 PDF.  

United states Department of labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics “Computer Programmers”. Occupation Outlook Handbook. Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics,8 Jan. 2014. Web. 5 Nov,2015

United states Department of labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics “Computer Programmers”. “Work Environment”. Occupation Outlook Handbook. Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8 Jan. 2014.Web. 5 Nov,2015

Wired to Wire

My name is Prince Miller, and I believe that technology is a necessary, though ever-changing, part of most people’s lives, and the path it takes can have a huge impact on the future of humankind. This is why during my career as a City Tech student, I have chosen Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology as my major. My interest in Engineering in general developed in high school, and was amplified by the fact that engineering happens to encompass my two strongest subjects, math and physics. The goal of the Electrical Engineering major is to prepare students for careers as electronic technicians, which may include a wide range of different careers, such as an electrician, IT specialist, or communications engineer, which was among the highest paid of all engineers in 2014 (IEEE par. 2). I am still unsure which type of Electrical Engineering career I will pursue, but I have the strongest interest in devices and programming out of all the available fields. As I will explain devices and programming is the best career for me because it fuels my creativity. In the following, I will discuss what Electrical Engineering is, its career opportunities, my falling into the field, my growing interest in Electrical Engineering, and finally, my future goals in the field.

Before discussing why this is my chosen field, I would like to first explain what Electrical Engineering is. Electrical Engineering is a field of study that leads to many career paths. With this degree, I could be an electrician, monitoring and testing the design of a power system for a whole building or area; or an information analyst, programming away behind a computer screen; or even a telecommunications consultant, administrating a network for the use of many. I have not yet made my final decision between a degree in Electrical Engineering or Telecommunications Engineering Technology, but both fields have similar course requirements for the first few years. In the upperclassmen semesters, the disparities between the major curriculums becomes much more concrete. Though both majors have a heavy math and physics influence, Electrical Engineering Technology is focused on power, circuits, and machines, whereas Telecommunications Engineering Technology focuses more heavily on signals, networks, transmissions, and anything else involving communication between two devices.

Graduating with a Bachelor’s (BS) Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology would signify that I have gained “knowledge in power systems, controls, microcontrollers, sensors and instrumentation, as well as the growing area of mechatronics” (City Tech 245), according to the 2015-16 City Tech College Catalog. Anyone holding this degree is qualified for work as an electrical technologist. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, the varying electrical technologists on average made about $89,000 a year in 2012 (United States par. 13). However, since then, salary numbers have risen for some fields of electrical technology. Energy and power engineers earned $116,000 on average in 2014, while systems and devices engineers earned a hefty $143,000 on average in the same year, according to the 2015 IEEE-USA Salary and Benefits Survey (IEEE par. 6-7). A degree Telecommunications Engineering Technology would open some separate, yet similar, doors. The aforementioned City Tech College Catalog informs us that earning the Bachelor’s (BS) degree in this field would require “advanced study in data communications, coding, computer systems, probability and statistics, satellite transmission, fiber-optic communications, traffic control, economics, programming, network management, regulatory and legal issues and advanced mathematics” (City Tech 250). This degree, like its Electrical Engineering counterpart, qualifies graduates for many different careers. In 2014, signals and applications technologists earned over $141,000, while communications technologists earned $150,000 on average that same year, making them the highest earning of all those in the electrical and information technology (IEEE par. 6-7).


I was thrust into Engineering in high school during my sophomore year. As students, we had been asked to choose major courses of study, and I picked Law and Society as my first choice, neglecting to manage the order in which the other available majors were listed. I did not get in to the Law and Society major, but I was accepted into the second major on my list: Mechanical Engineering. At first, I was severely disappointed, because I hadn’t put much thought at all into Engineering, and presumed it to be boring. However, when I looked at the classes I would have to take, and the projects I would have to complete, I became more and more interested. Then, when I actually got to take Calculus and Physics in my junior year, I was engrossed by the idea of becoming an engineer. Then, in my senior year, things changed. The Mechanical Engineering class fused with the Electrical Engineering class, and we were all of a sudden asked to accomplish tasks and design projects that would require both groups working together. While we worked, I noticed we had to bang away with hammers, shave pieces of metal to precise dimensions, and other tedious things of that sort, while the kids from the Electrical Engineering major sat at their computers and programmed robots, designed circuit boards, and developed entirely new programs using code languages they learned. I immediately knew I would prefer the Electrical path, because I saw more possibility and potential in it. I would much rather learn how to design software, hardware, and programs for technology than to learn the most efficient ways of assembling things, so when I arrived at City Tech, I changed my major path to Electrical Engineering, although I still take Mechanical Engineering classes to bolster my qualifications and expertise.


For me personally, Engineering as a whole is an amazing outlet for creativity and curiosity. Engineering is the primary reason humans have been able to make it this far, especially with respect to the advancements we have been able to make as a species. For the past three hundred years, engineering has been improving the quality of life for people at an amazing rate. Without Electrical Engineering, we would have no power to light or run our businesses or cities. Without Civil Engineering, we would have no parks, bridges, sewage system, or highways. Without mechanical and aerospace engineers, we would have no cars, trucks, planes, jets, spaceships, or any other vehicles to transport ourselves and our possessions freely, meaning we would never have achieved flight or space travel. Without Communications Engineers, we would have no cell phones, laptops, or any other communicating or transmitting device. Without Biomedical and Chemical Engineering, we would not have access to the wide variety of medicine we have today, which has undoubtedly saved millions, if not billions, of human lives. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more types of engineers, and many more inventions and innovations that each have come up with. For this reason, I am very excited to begin my career as an engineer. When I am an engineer I will have both the freedom and qualification to add to this list of innovations, which I plan to do. In this way, I will be able to help the next generation of humanity, as the former generations of engineers have helped me. I will also gain answers to personal questions I have about how and why certain machines work.

I believe my future as an engineer is very bright. As I read in the European Journal of Engineering Education, “Engineers are expected to be experts in their field” (Keltikangas 87). I have accepted that this will be very challenging, both as a career and a hobby, but if it was easy, it would not be fun. I plan to join the IEEE, or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, while I am still enrolled here at City Tech. I also have begun to complete some of the entry level certifications for Cisco, to bolster my experience and credentials as a network administrator. When I finish the intermediate ones, I will be able to apply for an internship and gain experience in the field. From there, my career will only advance, until I ultimately have created my own network or software.






Works Cited


Keltikangas, Kirsti and Miia Martinsuo. “Professional Socialization of Electrical Engineers in University Education.” European Journal of Engineering Education. 34.1 (Mar 2009): 87-95. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Nov 2015

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). “Median Income of     Electrotechnology, IT Professionals Rises to $130,000 for Largest Gain in Past Five Years, IEEE-USA Salary Survey Reveals.” 1 Sept 2015. Web. 4 Nov 2015.


New York City College Catalog 2015-2016 (City Tech). New York: New York City College of Technology, 2015. Print.

United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Electrical and Electronics Engineers.” Occupational Outlook Handbook. Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics. 8 Jan 2014. Web. 4 Nov 2015.


The Strive for Fashion Merchandising and Styling by Shamani Patton

My name is Shamani Patton, I am 18 years old and I was born in Brooklyn, New York. I’m getting a degree in Fashion Marketing (AAS), at The City College of Technology which houses the Professional Studies program that my major is apart of. While it might sound strange that fashion is a part of business, it actually makes sense, because the business area of fashion is just as complex as the designing part. With this major I am prepared to be a part of the fashion and business world at the same time. I would get to work with a corporation, which are full of different artistic people. I will also acquire my own company and partner with retail stores as a buyer, working with different firms and designers. This career comes with traveling the world, learning about fashion all over the globe. Since I shop from places like in Europe and Asia, I can tell a lot about various styles. It helps to be a stylist working in this business related career. This career best fits me because, I have a passion for fashion, I intend on having a business of my own and retail stores are like my second home, I am able to look at an outfit and know where someone got it from or how much it retails for. I see myself eventually opening up my own boutique later on. In this essay I will discuss the following topics about the business of Merchandising, design/textile in Styling and my take on Fashion, I will provide some background information about my major and I will also tell you more about how I plan to excel in my major and extend my future career.

Fashion Merchandising, is the business side of fashion, not only having a eye for style but also have a mind for business. It’s focused on the retail industry, another name for it is fashion buyer. The name is self explanatory, a buyer, which I intend to become, selects what items will be stocked in a store, based on the latest trends, of which have to be kept up with. Merchandisers works with designers, sales representatives, and other buyers. What’s great about this career is being able to travel to different places, going to fashion shows, attend trade fairs, wholesale showrooms and work closely with many designers who I admire. While observing the latest trends, Merchandisers also accompany big magazine companies, such as VOGUE, InStyle and Glamour. This career entitles to work with department stores, chain stores or boutiques. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, Purchasing managers and Buyers evaluate suppliers based on price, quality and delivery speed and maintain and review records of items bought, cost, delivers, product performances, and inventories (United States, Purchasing Managers, Buyers and Purchasing Agents, What they do par.1).

In major fashion stores there may be different levels of seniority, such as trainee, assistant, senior buyers, buying managers and buying director.  A Fashion Merchandiser can work in department stores or clothing outlets as a fashion designer, fashion buyer, catalog production managers or merchandise display artist. The responsibility entitles to purchase fashion items that can be promoted and sold by the outlet. Which is acquainted with market demands and fashion trends. Store decoration and merchandise displays are the responsibilities of fashion merchandisers where the latest apparels and items are on display to align with the store’s branding and image. According to the New York City College of Technology College catalog 2015-2016, my coursework will prepare me for an, “insight into many subjects that help to explain sociological and psychological factors which influence fashion interest and demand in today’s global market” (College Catalog 125). This explains that I will learn to take a cognitive approach to customers and other buyers on their reasoning and their decisions, related to my research in Merchandising. The New York City College of Technology College catalog 2015-2016, states “ students in fashion marketing are introduced to buying and management careers in fashion related manufacturing firms, showrooms, retail stores and electronic commerce” (College Catalog 125). This will help me to understand what other careers in management and buying are related to fashion firms and retail stores, I would gain knowledge about different firms that I would want to be apart of in the future.

A fashion merchandiser may work for a textile manufacturer, a designer or a fashion retail outlet such as a department store, children’s clothing store or a discount store (SUNY Oneonta, Fashion Merchandising Job Description). After I graduate, first I would love to work with a company as a Fashion Buyer, then manage my own Merchandising business, and later on obtain my own boutique. On the New York City College of Technology College catalog 2015-2016, “graduates are employed in business organizations in the U.S and Europe as executive or administrative trainee. Some also operate their own business” (College Catalog 125), this states that people that graduated, became employed as an executive and administrative employee or opened their business in the U.S and Europe, which motivates me to work harder towards my goal and get my degree to become a Fashion Merchandiser and establish my own business. “Some graduates work with Saks, Macy’s, J.C Penny, Dolce & Gabana and Victoria Secret” (College Catalog 125). I would like to work with one of these businesses to gain experience, and one day open a boutique in the City of New York, which is the home of Fashion.

My interest in fashion is lifelong, as I was growing up I was inspired by different people’s style, as I matured I developed my own sense of style being all about fashion. My passion for fashion flourished when I started middle school and other people’s outfits first mesmerized me. At the age of twelve, I began to care about my appearance and personal fashion to such a degree that, I feel as if I was born to love the fashion world. I began dressing myself in unique ways, which earned me compliments on my outfits. I knew my talent and wanted to turn it into a career.

The business part of fashion is interesting to me because its not what a lot of people expect from the fashion world. Once I began to say the word “fashion”, people automatically think about designing, sewing, etc, but buying, advertising, promoting and marketing is what makes the money. After the garments are made, they will have to be sold, so this is where the business comes in, there is a strategy to get someone to buy a product. A class that is a major part of my degree in Fashion Merchandising is MKT 1102, Principles of Selling, as stated in the the New York City College of Technology College catalog 2015-2016, “the theory and practice of customer-centered selling including techniques of handling objections, demonstrating merchandise and closing sales” (College Catalog 127). I would like to obtain my own company in the future, my business would be to merchandise, advertise, promote, buy and even sell products. Once I start off working with a company, I can meet a lot of people interested in the business of fashion as well and this will expand my knowledge in fashion design. This will help me to create my own boutique. When I dress up, people ask where I get my clothing from and this has been happening since the ninth grade, I tell them and this gives the store business. It is the art in how you put clothing together which makes people want to purchase and this is a gift that I am able to turn into a career, that I enjoy doing. Since I am advanced in the latest fashion trends, being a fashion merchandiser will be effortless.

Retail stores rely entirely on fashion merchandisers, buyers, and purchasing agents. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, Purchasing agents and buyers consider price, quality, availability, reliability, and technical support when choosing suppliers and merchandise (United States, Purchasing Managers, Buyers and Purchasing Agents, What they do par.4). Since I admire how a lot of the stores I visit are set up, I can already seen how it will be working to decorate and promote sales in stores. It’s not easy to sell products, but you can set up the stores in a way, that encourage people to want to buy them. Schielke and Leudesdorff, tells us, “Store design as one aspect to amplify brand image and identity plays a vast role in today’s retail environment” (Schielke and Leudesdorff 672). Meaning people are more likely to make a purchase, if they admire the design and atmosphere in the store. In retail stores, people are mostly influenced by the mannequin’s outfit. They collect everything the mannequin has on from head to toe and buy it. This is what makes the sales, people are attracted to how well the display is dressed and they know they could achieve the same look from the store. I compare myself to a mannequin, or someone who dresses the mannequin, which is a stylist, advertiser or merchandiser. All these positions are a part of Fashion Merchandising, this is a big part in the sales which leaves customers satisfied with the quality, style and pricing of the clothing.

I aim to constantly keep up with the latest trends, and engage in internship programs with companies like Victoria Secret, Zara and H&M while studying my major as a Fashion Merchandiser. Also, I would distinguish myself from others in this career by doing extended research. Since I am one of those people who appreciate fashion for the art that it is, I know how customer’s think, which will benefit me to promote, buy, and control how sales are being made in my career later on. I am dedicated to fashion, so merchandising and buying will be intriguing. I plan to put all my effort into my work and work as many hours to achieve my goal and help retail stores. For the next five to ten years, I desire to get on-the-job training for more than one year, learning how to perform basic duties, including monitoring inventory levels and negotiating with suppliers. Then I plan to start my career as a Fashion Merchandiser, and work with as many retail stores as possible. I will then commence a business of my own, and look for workers who exceed my expectations and has a passion related to mine. I will travel all around the world to fashion shows, trade fairs, wholesale showrooms, and meet different designers, while learning distinctive fashion apparel all about the globe. Later on I will launch my own boutique, selling my designs and other designers merchandise that I found refreshing. Also, I will teach others about the career as a fashion merchandiser when I am older and decide to settle down, while still owning my businesses.

Work Cited

New York City College of Technology – College Catalog 2015-2016 (City Tech). New York: New York City College of Technology, 2015.PDF.

Schielke T, and Leudesdorff M. “Impact of Lighting Design on Brand Image for Fashion Retail Stores.” Lighting Research Technology: 47 (October 2015): 672-673. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 October, 2015.

United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Purchasing Managers, Buyers, and Purchasing Agents.” Occupational Outlook Handbook.Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8 January, 2014. Web. 24 October, 2015

The Department of Human Ecology Majors. “Fashion Merchandising Job Description.” SUNY Oneonta. Web. 26 October 2015

Accounting and My Future!

Nowshad Hossain

Prof. Jason W. Ellis

English Composition 1

Accounting and My Future!


My name is Nowshad Hossain and I am a student majoring in Accounting (AAS) at the New York City College of Technology in the Department of Business, in the School of Professional Studies. I am certain that being an Accountant would be the best career choice for me, because there is a high demand for accountants, accounting is a good path to a successful and stable business career, and accounting provides a variety of opportunities. In this essay, I will provide some background about my major, will explain my reasons for choosing this major, and how I plan to excel in my major and future career.

Before I explain my reasons for wanting to become an accountant, I would like to provide some background of the accounting field. I have started my major research in my junior year of high school. By the time I started my senior year, I was convinced that accounting would be the right career choice for me. I am a pro in basic mathematics, accounting to me seemed like a carrier where I would be able apply my mathematic knowledge in real life. Let me explain what is Accounting/ Background of Accounting: According to the Merriam Webster dictionary,” Accounting is the system of recording and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the results”.(Par.2). Accounting professionals are extremely important in almost all functions of business and government. Accountants and bookkeepers prepare and maintain financial records. Which requires heavy amount of discipline/organization skills. If practicing mathematics have taught me anything that would be discipline. Solving a math a problem requires you to be organized. You have to do everything step by step. You can’t afford to miss a single step. If you do so you wouldn’t get the correct answer. Being an accountant also means that you must work on financial statements. Such as: Balance sheets, Cash flow statements, Income statements. To create these statements, an accountant needs basic math knowledge from Algebra1 and 2. An accountant also make sure that financial records are accurate and prepared correctly. Additionally, they also make sure that tax reports are prepared correctly and paid when they are due. Accounting is the backbone of businesses as this is the only way of knowing what is the budget for the year and the cost-profit.

One of the reason why I have decided to become an accountant is they are in high demand.  As long as businesses exist, accountants will be in demand. According Bureau of Labor Statistic’s Occupational Outlook Handbook, “2012 Median Pay for an accountant was $63,550 per year or $30.55 per hour”-(Bureau of Labor Statistics Par.1) .Well to be frank money played a great role for my carrier choice. Beside the money there is, employment growth of accountants and auditors is expected. According to Jeremy Stein, “Despite fluctuating with the economy, accountants can look forward to a stable career”(Stein1).  Bureau Of Labor Statics: Occupational outlook hand book also states,  “Employment of accountants and auditors is projected to grow 13 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations … As the economy will grow, these workers (Accountants) will continue to be needed to prepare and examine financial records “( Bureau of Labor Statistics Par.6). Additionally, accounting positions can be relatively high security. Not only do accountants have the potential to earn a generous salary, but full-time accountants have also been known to receive great pensions, healthcare, vacation time and other benefits.

Considering the background that an accountant needs and the exciting possibilities for someone pursuing a business career in accounting, I will explain my personal reasons for wanting to become an accountant. As I have mentioned that I started my major research in my junior year of high school. I have always wanted a job in business field but I didn’t have any specific job in my mind. I also wanted my job to be stable and available. As the time started passing I knew that I had to make a decision. I started looking for different types of carrier in the business field, such as: Accounting, Communications, Finance, Management, Sales and Marketing etc. I looked for the jobs, salaries, and benefits in such fields.  A lot of them sounded good but out of them all I loved the accounting most. At that time accounting seemed like a good major because from my research I have learned that jobs in accounting field are more stable and less risky. It is a less risky major than other business-oriented majors such as sales and marketing. People from this department can get fired any time if they don’t make enough sales monthly. Jobs in accounting field are more stable than any other business field. Because as long as there is money the world would always need an accountant. Great salary, benefits, job stability, fulfillment of my passion for mathematics-All these factors helped me deciding Accounting as my carrier choice.

In this part of the essay, I would describe about my future path and how do I plan to excel it. My main goal in long run is to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and then get a job as an Account Manager. Although I will need a Bachelor’s degree to become an Account Manager but I have decided get an Associate degree first and then transfer myself to a Bachelor’s program. Because in this way I would save more money in long run. Also according to city tech college catalog, “The Accounting program equips student with accounting skills that will make them immediately employable upon graduation with the associate degree” (123). I chose to get an Associate Accounting degree at first because in this way I would graduate in 2 years and I would be able to get a full time job. I should be able to get a full time job as a Book keeper or Accounting Assistant. In case if I cannot make it to a Bachelor’s program I would still get a good job. But of course I would definitely transfer myself to a Bachelor’s program.  According to City Tech College Catalog, “Graduates will also be able to transfer to accounting programs at other senior colleges within The City University of New York “( 123). So I should be able transfer very easily. I like the way accounting is providing me with all this opportunities. I am shooting for the moon even if I don’t make it I know that I’ll land among the stars!

William Wilberforce tells us, “Life as we know it, with all its ups and downs, will soon be over. We all will give an accounting to God of how we have lived.”-( Wilberforce Par.2) . Accounting is not just a job! It’s not just Debit v. Credit. It is the balance of a life! It is the balance of a Business’s life.  In conclusion I would like to say accounting is the path which I chose  to walk on . I have chosen this major it would let me follow my passion for mathematics and would give me major benefits such as: good salary and job stability.  I want to excel at my carrier by working really hard. In the next ten years, my goal is to work for a business firm as an account manager. Well that is the plan so far!



Works Cited

“Accounting.”” Merriam-Webster, 2010.Web. 2 Nov 2015

Dorsey, Andy. “Top 5 Reasons to Earn Your Associate Degree (Even If You Want to Transfer).” Front Range Community College Blog. N.p., 04 Feb. 2013. Web. 02 Nov. 2015.


New York : New York City College Of Technology catalog 2015-16(City Tech),New York City College of Technology, 2015. Pdf


Stein, Jeremy. “9 Must-Know Pros & Cons of an Accounting Career.” 9 Must-Know Pros & Cons of an Accounting Career. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.


Stein, Jeremy. “Jeremy Stein Leans against the Wind.” The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 07 Feb. 2013. Web. 03 Nov. 2015.


Tan, Kim B., Campbell  Annhenrie ,Freddie Choo, and  David H. Lindsay . “Accounting Student Characteristics From 2005–2010 Archival Transcript Data.” Research Article  Mar/Apr. 2013: EBSCO. Web. 23 October 2015


United States department of labor bureau of labor statics.”Accounting” Occupational outlook hand book. Washington: Bureau of Labor statics, (8 January)-web 19 Oct. 2015


Wilberforce, William. “William Wilberforce Quote.” BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2015.


Becoming a Programmer By Bilal Shadizai


ENG 1101

                                                     Becoming a Programmer

Everyone should choose their major carefully because it’s their career. My name is Bilal Shadizai. I’m currently attending the New York City College of Technology, (CityTech). I’m majoring in Computer Information System, (CIS), which belongs to the department of Computer System Technology,(CST),and the school of Tech and Design. I have done some research in different kinds of jobs and the one that caught my interest is Web programming. CST provides two kinds of degrees, an Associate of Applied Science, (AAS), another is Bachelor of Technology, (BTech). The degree I’m trying to earn is AAS because it prepares people for web programming, and database programming. If I get an opportunity in the future I will also try to get BTech degree because with a bachelor a person can find better jobs with higher wages than a person with only associates. To be a programmer a person should have patience in order to work well, and patience is one of my best qualities. CST is the right major for me because I have been interested in programming for a long time, and programming will gives me opportunity to work alone. In addition as technology evolves and becomes an important part of our daily lives, more jobs will occur. In the computer field there are many jobs with higher pays compare to other fields. I am planning to work hard to achieve an AAS degree and then bachelors.

According to CityTech Catalog “The Associates in Applied Science (AAS) in computer information prepares students for entry level careers in: computer programming, and systems networking administration and support” (Catalog 222). People who earn AAS degree can get jobs as programmers and AAS gives a solid information about computer systems. I want to acquire my associates in CityTech and find a job as a web programmer. If I could I will also get BTech degree in order to be more successful. Learning programming requires a lot of hard work, patience, and well cooperation between learner, and teacher. Many people change their majors from CIS to something else because they find it hard. Learning programming can be frustrating but it’s not impossible to learn. I will not change my major because becoming a programmer is what I always wanted to do. Most people who got Degree in CIS didn’t regret because Computers jobs can be hard to get but once someone got it, its fun to do. Just like in almost all of the jobs, programmers also improve over time. Being a major in CIS will open up many job opportunities for me because CIS prepares people for almost any kind of job that involves computers. Programming doesn’t make a person physically tired but it does makes a person mentally tired, and I like when i’m mentally challenged. The amount of research I’ve done on programming is enough to encourage me to major in CIS.

I have never taken a computer class before attending college but I have been interested in computers since my freshman year in high school. In my high school I had a friend named Wahid, who had an interest in computer systems. Wahid was completely obsessed with computers and how they work, and he would talk about computers all the time. The more he talked about it the more I grew interest in computers. I started researching about computer and jobs related to it. During the research i have found some interesting facts which I have heard from Wahid and thought were lies. According to Occupational Outlook Handbook “the median annual wage to computer programmer was $74,280 in May 2012″(United States Par.3). During the research I learned that jobs that involved computers are very high paying jobs.CityTech College Catalog stated,”Students learn, applying and evaluating technological solutions to real-world problems”,(Catalog 222). Learning computer systems will not only give me some knowledge but it will also teach me to be more patience and change the way i think. Compare to other fields the computer based jobs pays more fair payments.After learning this much about computer fields I decided to major in CIS. My friend Wahid played an important role in my decision to major in Computer Information Systems.

My preferable environment in a job is in which I can work alone. According to occupational outlook handbook “programmers normally work alone, but sometimes work with other computer specialists on large projects”,(United States Par.3). Becoming a programmer will give me an opportunity to work alone mostly, but when a task gets too complicated for me I like to discuss, and work it out with others. Most of the time when people work in a group they don’t give their best because people rely on each other when they are in a group. Occupational Outlook Handbook, “they usually work alone”(United States. Par 3). I prefer working in office in which i can work how I like. I like being challenged and doing what I can do instead of relying on others, unless the task in hand is too hard for me to get it done alone. Working alone will also give me some privacy and I like working in a quite place, I can think better when working alone. People also can’t concentrate on something when other people are around, but, concentration is a crucial part of programming, one little mistake can make all the effort useless. I think the work environment for programmer is right environment for me.

In the modern time nothing is more important than having knowledge of computers. last two or three decades computers are becoming important rapidly. Occupational Outlook Handbook stated that “ Employment of computer programmers is projected to grow 8 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations”(United States. Par5). As technology evolves, more computer jobs occur. Nowadays almost all jobs involves computers in some ways. People with no computer knowledge have less percentage of getting most jobs. A Two-Tier Based Approach to Improving Students’ computer Programming Skills in a Web-Based Learning Environment stated, “The rapid development of information technology has created high demands for skillful programming specialists”,(Tzu-Chi. Par1). The demands for programmers are increasing which means that there are more jobs and there are more chances of me getting a job as a programmer than other jobs. The competition of getting computer jobs are increasing but yet people can still find jobs, if they put some efforts in finding it because jobs with computers are increasing rapidly.

Being a programmer have always been my dream. I’m here in CityTech to earn an AAS and then BTech degree. After earning AAS degree I will be able to work as a programmer already. I will work for a well known company such as Verizon, or AT&T. These companies also provides other opportunities such as free trips, vacations, and if i wanted to continue my education while working for them, they will pay for my education. After getting Btech degree I will look for even better job with higher payment as a IT expert. Becoming an IT expert is not an easy task, it requires a lot of hard work, and responsibility. Being an IT expert is the highest level of computers education. IT experts know everything about computers, and how they functions. I know that it will take me more than 4 years to become IT expert so thats why im trying to become a programmer first. Becoming a programmer ,and then It expert will not be easy but i will not give up until I achieve my dream.


                                                                   Works Cited

             Tzu-Chi, Yang, et al. “A Two-Tier Test-Based Approach To Improving Students’ Computer-Programming Skills In A Web-Based Learning Environment.” Journal Of Educational Technology & Society 18.1 (2015): 198-210. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.


           New York City College of Technology- College-Catalog  2015-2016 (CityTech). New york: New york City College of Technology, 2015 PDF.

          United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Computer and Information Technology. Computer Programmers. Work Environment, Pay. “Occupational Handbook Outlook” Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5 Nov. 2015.

Career in Education

Sandra Gil
Prof. Ellis

My name is Sandra and I attend New York City College of Technology as well as wanting to pursue a career in teaching grades k-6. I am in the School of Professional Studies trying to receive my bachelor of science. My major is the career & technology of education, but I am planning to transfer schools in order to focus on teaching elementary school.This career will suit me because I always had a passion for teaching ever since I was young and I admire the curiosity, imagination as well as creativeness of children. In high school I was in a program dedicated for students who wanted to become teachers. Since I was in this program, I was able to get experience from teaching an elementary school for a whole day and encounter how kids behaved. I really enjoyed helping others as well as appreciate seeing kids learn something new. I feel that getting a degree can also help me get a step further in order to pursue my profession.

I chose to attend City Tech because they provide a teaching program, but when I attended a class for that major, I was taught mainly technology which wasn’t what I wanted to aim for. My major only helps us become technology teachers, but my ideal of what I wanted to focus on wasn’t technology, but rather early childhood education. According to the City Tech College Catalog 2015-2016 my course work will prepare me for “a comprehensive hands-on program to enable students in kindergarten through 12th grade to develop technological literacy” ( College Catalog 131). Since the major I am in now won’t really help with my career path, I could use the information I am learning to help me with my occupation by learning how to communicate with kids the proper way. Becoming a teacher in New York State requires a bachelor’s degree.

To become a public school teacher, I would need to be certified or licensed in order to teach. In the Occupation Outlook Handbook, “In order to receive certification, teachers need to undergo a period of fieldwork, commonly referred to as student teaching. During student teaching, they work with a mentor teacher and get experience teaching students in a classroom setting.” ( United States Par.3) I would need to take a course that could be referred in the City Tech College Catalog to take EDU 2601 ‘Internship in Classroom Teaching’ and EDU 3601 ‘Internship in Classroom Teaching.’ Both internships are “designed to expose the pre-service teacher to the classroom environment and to the daily routines of classroom teaching.” (College Catalog 134) Meaning that I will be able to observe how a teacher from any middle school functions and I would try to gain experience for “6 hours of classroom experience spread over two days per week.”(College Catalog 134) I would need to arrive at the middle school only two days of the week and write reports, reflective essays and I would need to be able to schedule meetings to discuss what I have learned during my time there.

In my program back in highschool, I was taught a variety of useful tips to help me when it comes to my occupation. We learned how to create objectives, mini lessons, class activities as well as questions to give to the class and used laptops to create powerpoints. After we created a whole lesson plan, each one of us would be scheduled to present for a whole class period. Being able to teach my classmates in a professional manner will help me get acquainted in front of a classroom. If I want to pursue a career in teaching, Public Speaking is a major quality I would need to be able to do. Referring back to the City Tech College Catalog 2015-2016, I would need to take “COM 1330 Public Speaking” ( College Catalog 132)  in order to reach my requirement for certification.

Qualities that I would need to be able to have in order to successfully become a teacher would be communication skills, Creativity, patience and resourcefulness. Communication plays a huge role as in “Teachers must collaborate with teacher assistants and special education teachers. In addition, they need to discuss students’ needs with parents and administrators.” (United States Par.4)  This implies that as people who deliver education to students, we would need to talk amongst each other as well as the student’s parents in order to help a child’s needs.Creativity is when “teachers must plan lessons that engage young students, adapting the lessons to different learning styles” (United States Par.4)  which brings me back to when I was learning how to create lesson plans for my previous class and how to come up with creative ideas to keep the students engaged. If I am going to be teaching an elementary school when I am finished with school, Patience is a must. “Teachers must respond with patience when students struggle with material.” (United States Par.4)  Many kids will feel as if they are pressured to rush into getting an answer instead of taking the time to understand the problem themselves. Lastly, Resourcefulness is a “need to be able to explain difficult concepts in terms that young students can understand.” (United States Par.4)  When I was teaching my old classmates, I had to teach them in the same level I was in, but with children, I would need resourcefulness and try to clarify any response in a child’s level.

I really don’t know how I got into teaching, but it naturally happened when my sisters were able to start talking. I was around the age of 6 when I started getting into teaching. When I went to school, I was aware that I would mimic some techniques from my teachers in order to get an idea of how I should corporate towards my sisters when I do teach them. I realize that since my sisters and I are family, maybe I treated them differently than what I actually thought a teacher should have which can relate to an article on Professionalism of Early Childhood Teaching( PECT).

In the article Teachers’ versus parents’ perceptions of professionalism of early childhood teachers, Teachers convey their students differently than how their parents would regarding their child. Due to this concept, many children pick and choose who to treat better depending on how the other adult corresponds. “The purpose of this study is therefore to understand and identify the differences between teachers’ and parents’ perceptions of the various characteristics of PECT.” (Tzuo 118) Meaning that a kid’s behavior and personality could be the result of either teacher or parent. When becoming an educator, I would need to understand each child’s preference and try to work with it since they are learning to grow up. Usually in elementary school, students are being raised by their parents and “the study also indicated that parents perceived as less important than teachers the factors of ‘understanding a child’s needs’, ‘skills of interacting with children’, ‘professional development’ and ‘valuing of ethics’.” (Tzuo 125) The significance of this shows that parents rely on teachers to educate their children and help them learn new ideas. Parents aren’t trained to do what teachers were taught; Teachers were taught courses like “ EDU Child and Adolescent Development and EDU 2455 Methods and Materials for Special Needs Students.” (College Catalog 135)

My plans to excel in my major is to earn enough credits to make a transfer first. Once I finish, I could then focus on general courses because I could never know if I would want to switch careers. After I finish that, I would probably make a decision and try to go for an early childhood education major. I would try to find a job within internships and see if I do enjoy my career path. I will try to balance my schedule since I sometimes can’t seem to manage time well.

           Work Cited

New York City College of Technology- College Catalog 2015-2016 (City Tech)
New York: New York City of College of Technology, 2015. PDF

United States. Department of Labor.Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Early Childhood Education Teaching.” Occupation Outlook Handbook. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012. Web. 26. Oct. 2015.

Pei-Wen, Tzuo, et al. “Teachers’ Versus Parents’ Perceptions Of Professionalism Of Early Childhood Teachers: A Mixed-Methods Study.” Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood 40.2 (2015): 117-126. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Nov. 2015.

My Future in Mechanical Engineering

My name is Cisco and I am a student at City Tech, my major is Associate in Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology at the School of Technology and Design. One specific career field that I have in mind is becoming a mechanical engineer technician first and then move myself up to a mechanical engineer for cars. This is the best career for me because I want to achieve my dream of one day building my own car. Also, I love taking things apart, learning from them and finding a way to make them better and I want to be financial stable enough to have a family and not worry about money. In this essay I will provide an in depth description of my major, give explanation for my reasons and I will tell you about how I will succeed in both my major and my career.
Some general information about my major is the chairman for the major of mechanical engineering technology is professor Sidi Bari. Quoted from the city tech college catalog the major provides “ a solid foundation in the scientific and mathematical principles”, this means that you study the things necessary to be able to work in the range of careers that require this education. Some general information about the career in mechanical engineering technicians are “the median pay is $51,980 per year, the level of education required is an associate’s degree level of education and the work experience required is none”(united states par 3). In my major I study in developing my creative design as well as problem solving skills. One specific thing which I want to do in my studies and what I am currently learning how to do know is how to read manufacturing drawings and make the object I am reading. Some career options that I have with my education are assistant mechanical engineers, engineering research assistants,
assistant mechanical designers, junior CNC operator/programmers,
manufacturing technicians, and quality technicians.
A mechanical engineer draws up the design for cars engines, sometimes generators basically anything mechanical, anything that involves the moving of many complex moving parts to have an outcome of motion. I want to work with cars because it has always been my interest to build my own one day. It’s my own personal goal build something as complex, but an ecofriendly car one powered by electricity but not recharged by power that comes from city power that pollutes the air and destroys the environment, but from my own self-generating power. So basically free energy for a car which could be very helpful for when I start to use a car for everyday life. The type of car I would like to build is a Ford focus 2016 electric model. According to the ford website “ the battery can recharge with the friction from the brakes and also can come with a 240volt/30 amp charge station”(ford par 7), which is the amount I plan on using for my charger. The estimated amount of money I would need to complete all of this would be about fifteen thousand to twenty thousand dollars and around 5 months to build maybe less. This is a life goal that I truly hope to achieve one day for a better world.
Ever since I was young I was extremely curios with things that involves mechanics. Ever since I looked under the hood of a car my mind seemed interested in the fact that all of that complex machinery made that car move, play music, use electricity and cool its self down all at one time. My mind would explode with so many questions, estimations, predictions and answers that I would consciously lose track of what I was thinking about. To this very day I always was interested in complex machinery like a car engine. A quote from Brain Rules states that “We never out grow the desire to know”(medina 252). My curiosity for complex machinery is a great example of that very quote. It also has to do with the fact that I grew up breaking things apart and putting them back together. As humans we were born to learn more and more and pay attention to the things that are around our environment that either interest us or put us in danger. Hence the reason why I was paying so much attention to that engine.
When I was born my mother had no job and the only person working was my father, they both didn’t have a high school diploma or a GED so finding a job let alone a paying job was difficult and the fact that they had to take care of a baby was even more of a difficult task. In addition to that 2 years later my brother was born and it was even more difficult to take care of the family. At the age of 13 I decided that I should be finically stable enough to provide for myself and maybe a family of my own. Based off the chart from the report for wages, incomes and wealth “the monthly budget for a two parent one child household for 2013 is 4,688 dollars this increases by about one thousand with every other child in a family”. For my future I plan on having a household of two parents and three kids that would be around 6,557 dollars a month for the budget which is around a 78,684 thousand dollar budget, according to the occupational outlook handbook for mechanical engineers “the mean pay for a mechanical engineer is 80,580 dollars a year”.(Untied States par 3) So that means that one day I could live that finically stable life that people always dream of having. That is if I continue down the path that I am currently on.
While I am in school I plan on focusing on the difficult classes that I am going to have like I currently am right now. After I graduate college I plan on getting a job as a mechanical engineering technician, or anything else that I need to in order to gain experience needed. Then continuing my education so that one day I can become a mechanical engineer. I believe that something that can distinguish me from most people is my crazy, imaginative, friendly mind. One major milestone that I am going to have is looking for a job in the specific carrier field that i want and will accept me. Another milestone would be finding the right home that is convenient and cost effective for me.

Works Cited
-New York City College of Technology College Catalog 2015-2016(city tech college catalog). New York: New York City College of Technology, 2015. PDF
-United States. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Mechanical Engineering Technician”. Occupational Outlook Handbook. Washington: Bureau of labor statistics, 8th Jan. 2014 Web. 20th Oct.2015
-Jones, Wilkins O. “Careers In Mechanical Engineering.” Black Collegian 23.3 (1993): 88. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
-“Ford – Model: Focus Electric.” Ford. Focus Electric Highlights 2015 Web. 1th Nov.2015
-Gould, Elise. Hilary Wething, Natalie Sabadish and Nicholas Finio “What Families Need to Get By” Economic Policy Institute: The 2013 Update of EPI’s Family Budget Calculater. , 3rd July 2015
-Medina, John. Brain Rules. Washington: Seattle, 2014. Print.
-United States. Department Of Labour Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Mechanical Engineer”. Occupational Outlook Handbook. Wahington: Bureau of labor statistics, 8th Jan 2014 Web 1st Nov.2015

Beginning of Class Writing: About Nicolas Carr

For today’s class, you read Carlson, “Nicholas Carr on the ‘Superficial’ Webby Mind,” and Carr, “A writer of books, essays, and ephemera,” During your summary writing during the first ten minutes of class, write what you learned about the book that we are about to begin to read and its author, Nicolas Carr.

Remember to type up your beginning of class writing from Monday and today, and post that writing as comments to their respective blog posts. Since Project Two is due before class on Monday, you might have to scroll down to find the correct place to post your comments.

Beginning of Class Writing: John Medina’s Brain Rules, “Exploration”

Today, we are concluding our reading of John Medina’s Brain Rules by taking a look at the “Exploration” chapter that you read before today’s class. Besides simply summarizing today’s reading, I would like you to discuss why this chapter is so important to the work that you are doing on Project Two now, and the work that you will be doing in all of your classes at City Tech as you work your way towards a career. We will discuss this during the first part of class.

Beginning of Class Writing: John Medina’s Brain Rules, “Gender”

For today’s class, you read the Gender chapter from John Medina’s Brain Rules. This is one of the more challenging chapters to read in this book, because the reader has to carefully follow what Medina says about the similarities and differences observed between the brains of women and men. During the first ten minutes of class, write your summary of the chapter, and discuss the relationship between what Medina tells us and your own direct experience.